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Found 13 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    This is model of a Antaeus from Hostile Waters Antaeus Rising from 2001 developer by Rage this model was extracted from the game and ported to wow in two version first is rusty version that you play as in first 7 levels and then the renred version after Antaeus is fixed after sitting on seafloor for like 20 years or so
  2. Successful attempt on making female Varian Wryn id say
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Viridian Phase-Hunter - Possible New Warpstalker Mount from Burning Crusade Classic Promotion
  4. Version 1.3.3


    Greetings This basic tool is for basic editing of worldmap It can load Jpgs/blps/pngs and saves all files as pngs so you will have to convert them on your own to BLP afterwards Its function is that you give it path to WORLDMAP folder of wow that needs to be extracted from MPQ and it will then cycle thru directories searching for actual worldmaps then it will list them so you can select which one you want to edit - once selected you can export map into a single image which is easy for editing in any image editor after that you can load this single image back to program and split it back into 12 images that blizzard uses Have a fun video showcase *Do you also hate when you start recording say: "Greetings" but in recorded video file it started recording just second after you said "Greetings"*
  5. Version 1.4.0


    Few more models that im releasing Contains : Alastor Strix'efuartus - Draenei Version Alastor Strix'efuartus ScourgeLord - Draenei version in battlegear Lythalia "Istasha" Morrigan Nalagash - Human witch doctor Etein Ümyrdor - (valla in m2) Nordic huntress Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite - Chosen one of Izalith fire the pyromancer Krauzeria Tenebrisis - Night elf warlock shadowmancer Bel Peol - Arbiter of Reverse Reasoning / Judge of Paradoxes Known bugs : Alastor - sometimes her eyes are buggy Some Special details Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite has few BFA animations working on LK use .mod standstate (or any other animations playing commnad) and browse animations from ID 400 up to 410 you will find them Kali Magnus Hammer-Smite has glowy textures When she is in darker envirovement some parts of her will glow in the dark Link to Void Case 1 :
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Afterfall was under construction since 2012 but in 2013 team was disbanded and project was stucked so i'm releasing now all files free to use as you like
  7. Its not quitly tut or guide so i didnt place it to Tutorial section its more about tips that i want to get out of my head
  8. Version 1.1.0


    pack that contains Alastor - Undead version) Alastor - mythia version Alythess - Eredar Kerrigan - bloodqueen armature Rhazana - succubus Rimeetere - Being creade by Titans ( race Kha'aeren ) Zabraka - Demon hunter Model of Single Soul shard Multiple Soul Shards Soul Stone Shadow Case of Legacy of Alastor (before she died on Erutia - 20 years later she was ressurect and moved to Mythia) Link for VoidCase2:
  9. Version 1.6


    There are two versions of WoW 335 executable here: WoWGen12.exe which - contains all features listed down below INCLUDING the hacky ones such as multi jump + ADDED NEW SCRIPT EDITS WoWGen11_WithoutHack.exe - contains all features listed down below EXCLUDING the hacky ones such as multi jump and EXCLUDING SCRIPT EDITS List of Features - Removed MD5 / SIG - Game version changed to my name initials and discord tag (A.S.E A2#6767) Release date to Dec 14 1337 for fun The real version of this file is still 3.3.5 - Druid on level 101+ get NO error when opening Base Stats - Every level 101+ can sit on barb Chair without Error - Does not Create CACHE file -Added LUA UNLOCKER you dont need to Manuly Unlock LUA functions via any 3rd party program this Exe has most of them unlocked by itself so far unlocked are (AcceptBattlefieldPort, SetCurrentTitle, UninviteUnit, ReloadUI, FocusUnit, ClearFocus, ... , InteractUnit, CastSpellByName, CastSpellByID, Movement functions ... , CancelLogout AttackTarget (error is still printed)) - Local Data Load directly from the folder no need to place them into the MPQ eg - M:\Client335\Data\DBFilesClient\ItemDisplayInfo.dbc is a viable path for wow.exe to read it in case wow.exe is in Client335 - Does not uses scan.dll to detect Cheat Engine at all - When you zoom close to your character it wont get transparent ========= ADDED IN SCRIPT ========= - Maximum Jump height - Maximum Climb Angle - Increased Far Clip ========= HACKY FEATURES========= - Allows Air Jumps at all time - You understand to every lang - /follow works simply on everysingle target no matter what target Due to popular demand im going to list of some Offsets for the edits I have done so you can do edits on your own or remove some unwanted functions List of functions that Warden scans for
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Well these cars was meant for Afterfall project but since its stoped i have no usage for them
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Just some LoL models ( PS soem models arent included in screenshots )
  12. Version 1.0.0


    These weapons are Daedric gear from Skyrim but i converted them to LK
  13. Version 1.0.0


    With this numbers its Falomelorn ( no idea if is name correct ) from Blizzcon it was supposed to be artefact weapon but i reworked model by screen And here is Download link!zNJwlTZS!Tp5amV_dkTNEOurJQHwbUnO9Qv4iNfuMyn_h1oim4fU">!zNJwlTZS!Tp5amV_dkTNE