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Found 7 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I'm not sure if this content will help anyone, but it's here in an effort to keep the content I create open-source. This feature is intended for the original gameplay loop of World of Warcraft, rather than roleplay functions that I've made before. The terms are explained below in CONFIG values, but I'll use english here. Basically, a player can walk up to a vendor to buy the item Wisp of Rain. They can learn the spell Wisp of Rain. When killing any creature within XP range, there's a 1% chance a wisp will spawn. The wisp autocasts arcane explosion currently. If the player has the optional Wisp of Rain : Wisp Buff item, the wisp is invulnerable unless stunned or interrupted. When killed, the wisp rewards all party members who have Wisp of Rain with a random buff or debuff such as -1 strength, +1 dodge, -1 expertise, etc, etc. If the player has an optional Wisp of Rain : No Debuffs item, the wisp only distributes buffs to that player. Thanks for reading. If you find any use for this I hope you enjoy it. Downloading the file will take you to a Github repo where the code for this feature is stored. elunamod-wispofrain This is a mod for Eluna for Azerothcore/TrinityCore. Description: When a user kills a creature, they have CHANCE_TO_SPAWN_WISP / MAX_CHANCE chance to spawn a wisp, provided they have the RISK_OF_RAIN spell. WISP_ENTRY will autocast from SPELL_ARRAY until killed or WISP_DURATION seconds have passed. If the killer or any party members have RISK_OF_RAIN_MOD_HARDMODE, then SHIELD_SPELL is on WISP_ENTRY until interrupted or stunned. If WISP_ENTRY is killed, then killer and party members will receive a random ID from BUFF_ARRAY / DEBUFF_ARRAY. As the buff is distributed, if RISK_OF_RAIN_MOD_NODEBUFFS is held by the unit, then that unit will only receive buffs. All of the above values can be changed in the LUA file itself. Select your world database Import the code at the beginning of RiskOfRain.lua, specifically from where it says "SQL STARTS" to "SQL ENDS" If you have a spell_dbc_12340 table from WDBX Editor or Stoneharry's Spell Editor, import the SPELL.DBC SQL from where it specifies start to end. If using AzerothCore, you can instead edit these queries to insert into spell_dbc rather than the above table. You will NOT need to recreate the DBCs for the server or the client. If you do not have a spell_dbc_12340 table, you will need to edit the contents of your spell.dbc to match these SQL values. Good luck! (It will be much easier to do the above) Recreate spell.dbc and import it to your sever and client
  2. Version 1.0.1


    Added the Blood Mage effect that Kael'thas has over the Mage Armor spell, and made the visual last the entire time you have Mage Armor on. I used an MPQ so you can plug-and-play, just rename it to any letter (for example, Patch-A) and it'll be all good! Will conflict with anything that alters the SpellVisual and SpellVisualKit dbcs, so I also added the loose files so more experienced members can add it themselves. Let me know if there are any issues!
  3. I'm trying to retro port spell visual effects from later expansions, but with little success. I'm using the LegionToWotLK converter from this website to convert the spell .m2 files. However, it doesn't seem to properly convert the spell .m2, nor is it able to convert the .skin file. The only spell visual I was able to get working properly is Warlock's Fel Flame from Cataclysm. I see other people have 010 script files for converting .m2 / .skin files, but all those sources are old and the links are dead. Is there anyone who can tell me how to convert the Legion .m2 / .skin spell visual effect files to 3.3.5? Possibly offer me the 010 editor scripts for the .m2 / .skin files. Thanks in advance.
  4. Plain image version:
  5. Hey! These two spells: and, added in 6.0.1, give your character the 'holding staff vertically' pose, and I really like that and would love to have it on my server. I would assume they involve the AnimKit group of tables, but I will not be able to replicate the effect myself, because there is no documentation on those tables whatsoever. I would therefore like to just copy the values blizz used for these spells and hope they work. However, the new dbc/db2 structure is very confusing, and, having tried, I did not manage to figure out much. I know some people here do WoD modding, and quite successfully, so if there is anyone who could help me get said values, I would be very thankful.
  6. Hey! I'd like to downport the Dark Apotheosis spell to my Cata server. I don't need most of its functionality - only the attachment of horns and wings, which should follow the character's emotes (e.g. flap during jumps, roars, flight, etc.) Could someone help?
  7. New 52809 spells fully implemented their visualization nonexistent mechanics replaced by similar The whole process took a little more than 100-110 hours Download: