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Found 6 results

  1. Version 1.0.0


    I'm not sure if this content will help anyone, but it's here in an effort to keep the content I create open-source. This feature is intended for the original gameplay loop of World of Warcraft, rather than roleplay functions that I've made before. The terms are explained below in CONFIG values, but I'll use english here. Basically, a player can walk up to a vendor to buy the item Wisp of Rain. They can learn the spell Wisp of Rain. When killing any creature within XP range, there's a 1% chance a wisp will spawn. The wisp autocasts arcane explosion currently. If the player has the optional Wisp of Rain : Wisp Buff item, the wisp is invulnerable unless stunned or interrupted. When killed, the wisp rewards all party members who have Wisp of Rain with a random buff or debuff such as -1 strength, +1 dodge, -1 expertise, etc, etc. If the player has an optional Wisp of Rain : No Debuffs item, the wisp only distributes buffs to that player. Thanks for reading. If you find any use for this I hope you enjoy it. Downloading the file will take you to a Github repo where the code for this feature is stored. elunamod-wispofrain This is a mod for Eluna for Azerothcore/TrinityCore. Description: When a user kills a creature, they have CHANCE_TO_SPAWN_WISP / MAX_CHANCE chance to spawn a wisp, provided they have the RISK_OF_RAIN spell. WISP_ENTRY will autocast from SPELL_ARRAY until killed or WISP_DURATION seconds have passed. If the killer or any party members have RISK_OF_RAIN_MOD_HARDMODE, then SHIELD_SPELL is on WISP_ENTRY until interrupted or stunned. If WISP_ENTRY is killed, then killer and party members will receive a random ID from BUFF_ARRAY / DEBUFF_ARRAY. As the buff is distributed, if RISK_OF_RAIN_MOD_NODEBUFFS is held by the unit, then that unit will only receive buffs. All of the above values can be changed in the LUA file itself. Select your world database Import the code at the beginning of RiskOfRain.lua, specifically from where it says "SQL STARTS" to "SQL ENDS" If you have a spell_dbc_12340 table from WDBX Editor or Stoneharry's Spell Editor, import the SPELL.DBC SQL from where it specifies start to end. If using AzerothCore, you can instead edit these queries to insert into spell_dbc rather than the above table. You will NOT need to recreate the DBCs for the server or the client. If you do not have a spell_dbc_12340 table, you will need to edit the contents of your spell.dbc to match these SQL values. Good luck! (It will be much easier to do the above) Recreate spell.dbc and import it to your sever and client
  2. Hi, I was wondering if in Azerothcore, 3.3.5a was possible to make a custom spell that works in this way: - Passive spell with a proc effect. - On proc, it adds a a single charge of an aura that uses charges (like Inner Fire). My idea was to create the passive that generates charges 1 by 1 that are then used by another spell. At the moment I managed to do something like this: - Passive spell has a triggered effect that applies 1 aura on the character when I cast a custom spell. In order to do that I had to insert an appropriate line in the Spell_Proc_Event table inside of the database. Problem is that if I make the aura similar to Inner Fire, when it is applied to the character it will automatically apply the maximum number of charges. I tried to use the Spell_Proc table instead of the Spell_Proc_Event table since it has a specific column for charges, but for the life of me, it seems I can't get the passive spell to proc that way. Thank you in advance. PS: Alternatively, I tried to use a regular aura without charges, but that stacks up to a maximum number, but I would need to have a spell that removes the stacks one by one which I don't really know how to implement. EDIT: Solved, sort of... To simplify things I used the Warlock and Soul Shards. 1) I modified the soul shards in order to make them stackable and made them into keyring items (so they won't clutter the inventory). 2) Similar to how "Lovely Charm Collector's Kit" has a passive spell that is always active as long as you have it in your inventory, I added a passive spell to the Soul Shards. At the moment it is just a dummy aura, but you can actually add effects to it. 3) I modified a Shadowbolt spell to use Soul Shards as reagents. Then I wanted to be able to cast Shadowbolt even without having Soul Shards in my inventory, in order to do that: 4) I created a passive spell that removes the reagent requirement of Shadow Bolt (similar to how Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth works) and taught it to the Warlock. 5) I added two lines in the database at the table "Spell_Linked_Spell" one line allows the Soul Shard aura to automatically remove the reagent free aura and the second reactivates the reagents free aura as soon as the Soul Shard aura is removed from the character (when you no longer have soul shards in your inventory). Tnis way what happens is that as long as I have soul shards in my inventory, shadowbolt will consume them when cast, but as soon as I don't have them, it becomes reagents free. This "solution" does not give you multiple stacks of a buff to keep track of how many "charges" you have, but at least gives you a number to track the available reagents in the spellbar, so it still works out.
  3. Helo there is my project of custom guild system. It has guild reputation, new UI. Is not 100% done but so far there is it Youtube show off
  4. Version 3.0.0-beta.1


    Keira3 Cross-platform desktop application featuring a Database Editor for the AzerothCore MMORPG framework. With Keira3 you don't have to know the SQL language in order to change contents: it will generate the SQL queries automatically for you. The SQL code will be displayed, so you can learn, and then you can copy or execute it directly to your database. Made with ❤ and TypeScript, Electron, Angular, Bootstrap.
  5. Custom Battleground SlaveryValley Hey, I reworked this old custom battleground originally created by Snoopzz, I improved it a bit and converted into a module of AzerothCore to make it Plug&Play. How to get the module For any info join our Discord server from this invite link and ask on support or to @Barbz / @Helias.
  6. Description: BetterItemReloading is a C++ Azerothcore module which allows to reload items on the server side and as much as possible on the client side of WoW 3.3.5. Sadly some things are cached on the client which can't be properly invalidated and need DBC file changes. The following things must be changed in DBC files: ItemClass ItemSubClass sound_override_subclassid MaterialID ItemDisplayInfo InventorySlotID SheathID Multiple items can be reloaded by splitting each entry id with a space like: .breload item 12345 23456 34567 Download link: How to install? This module only works for AzerothCore. Check the module page for the explanation, but it's very easy to do and works the same for all the modules. Credits: Me and a german chocolate company because i ate some chocolate while developing it. I share this module with you because we support each other in the AzerothCore community. How to thank us? The answer is simple: contribute! You can help by making new modules, fixing or improving other modules, converting fixes from TC to AzerothCore, fixing our own issues, spreading the word (by talking about it, making tutorials or releasing stuff), donating, testing our pull requests or identifying issues etc... Contributors will receive better support and tips. ------------------------------------------------- What is AzerothCore? Click here for an (incomplete) overview of AzerothCore's advantages. And have a look at the wiki. Join us! Join our discord and post on our forum! - The main place to talk, come !