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Found 3 results

  1. hello, is there any way you can get darker nights for TBC currently? been searching everywhere and cant find it.. all i got are some tilesets, npc, character, mount models and some other little tweaks, but id really like the darker nights, would be one of the best tweaks. also if there is any TBC modder here whos gonna find my post, please contact me ^^ Fernbacher#4523
  2. Version 1.0.0


    User BenjaminLSR of the Rochenoire team released a 2.4.3 .exe file which mimics the vanilla client in terms of item caching. This means that you don't need any custom MPQ files or other tools as wowme to add custom items to your 2.4.3 server anymore. I also copied the image of the modified bytes so this information doesn't get lost: Original Reddit post:
  3. Download link: Patch+ Model Edit fix: patch-h WoWme:MEGA How to install: Just place patch-h.MPQ into your data folder, copy the WoWme to your wow folder and create a shortcut. Now you launch the game from the WoWme! Any bug report in the post or youtube, or send a notification in the forum. The tbc models will come from: Finsternis- [RELEASE] [WotLk] Character Models(no npc) and [RELEASE] [WotLk] Legion Creature Models for Wotlk Uthil - [RELEASE] [Classic] Imroved Models for 1.12