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About haydaman712

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  1. Bump. Had one person respond but we never made anything of it. Please contact me.
  2. Is it possible to get BFA models into classic live servers? If so how do I do it?
  3. I once enjoyed updated models and animations for vanilla private servers before .mpq files were done away with. Simple drag and drop and I had new models in seconds. Now with blizzards updated graphics on classic, along with their removal of .mpq files long ago, I havent been able to find out how to get new models. I don't even know if anyone has done it yet. If they have, please point me in the direction. If it has not been done, and it is possible to do so, I want to pay someone to do it. Many, many, many people want the new models (upright orcs too) and animations / spell effects that the current version of WoW offers without actually having to play the current version. I want classic gameplay but with the new effects and models. Love the art team from blizzard, and that's about it. So is this possible? I know model changing is technically against the TOS, but I've never heard of someone being banned for adding model files that are already in the game files. Albeit from separate games for the same IP. If you can do this, I will reward you handsomely. Please PM me for details. Let's talk.