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  1. So unless someone wants to redirect me to a post that already does this, and please read this before saying anything, but I want a NElf Race Swap BUT NOT with playable existing races (i.e dwarf, orc, troll, tauren). I wanted to request a NElf Race Swap to possibly Tortollan(from BFA), if possible, or if you have a better suggestion please do note. I know things like dance & emotes probably won't be possible, but that is fine with me. If none of this is possible or nobody is willing to do it, I'd be willing to learn if there is a guide that could get me started on race swapping. I've yet to find a decent guide.
  2. So I've recently compiled a CManGos core for 1.12.1, and I added a new patch in with new DBC files, and such, and while the serverside shows all new dbcs are up-to-date, the client does not, I've remade the patch several times incase I had forgotten something but I didn't. I have the gluexml/framexml check removed from the wow.exe, and yet it still cannot read the patch-3.MPQ in the data folder, perhaps I am doing this wrong? Is vanilla wow different? How do I get it to read new patches? Thanks in advanced.
  3. I can always find repacks of 5.4.8 but never any cores that I can compile myself, are there ANY WoW 5.4.8 cores out there that are fairly decent? I have a feeling there isn't but it'd be nice to know where I can find one. Thank you in advance : )
  4. So, I usually don't edit DBCs past 3.3.5a because 4.3.4 and 5.4.8 are very ....different, and take alot more work to understand. However, I've been trying to learn how it works this past week, and I seem incapable of doing anything. I was wondering, if there's maybe an expert here, that could possibly help me out? The help would be much appreciated. If I were per say to buff a certain talent in 3.3.5a, It'd be simple as going to the near the Spell Effect column, and go under where it says "Base Points". With the MoP DBCs, It is vastly different
  5. I was wondering if it was possible to retroport mount/creature models from BFA to MoP. I really like some of the new drake models, and I wanted to see them in my MoP server. And if so, do I have to retroport them one by one, or can they all be done at once, or can I retro port just specific models if I wanted to. I've never really done this before, and only have downloaded retro ported patches from other players who did it. But none for MoP was there sadly. I was also wondering if the same thing can be done with Legion. P.S Another slightly more unrelated question, but I know there's tons of unused models in WoW, and I was wondering how to get some of them in the DBC, I used to do it but dont really remember at all how to do it anymore
  6. Hello, to make things quick, I did see some tutorials but I didn't see any full on guides for retroporting in general. Basically, What I want to do is to be able to import Legion Artifacts, Legion armors, BFA Creature Models, Other Updated BFA models(including armors and weapons). I wanted to use all those models, and kind of like make them into sets or something of the sort. However, I don't want the models replacing existing models, I want to add-on to it. So maybe link me a few guides or links for tools and files, or something of the sort. I dunno