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About Bardh

  • Rank
    The True Modder
  • Birthday 11/09/1996

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  • Specialty
    Level Design
    DBC Editing


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  1. So, what do I need to do for my project to be on the banner or in the slideshow of mcnet?I'm talking about the project Haradon, soon I plan to release some new parts of the map, I'm working on the project continuously.If any have suggestions or critics for my work please tell me. Thanks

    1. Skarn


      You can read about the banner here. 

      We need pictures of your design work. If you want to make the banner yourself, I can give you our PSD as well. Also your project needs a logo. Basically logo, screenshots and project page are requirements.

    2. Bardh


      I think I'll wait a bit when finish some zones and have enough material, I'll notify you then, the reason I made this status was knowing if I have the requirements to have a banner of my own. Thanks

    3. Elrena


      Feel free to make your own banner when you do. We can send you the template.

      I don't make them anymore... so yeah

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