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About Banzboyz77

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  • Birthday 10/04/1995

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  • Specialty
    Level Design

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About Me

 (a.k.a Banzboyz, Banzboyzhallapinoz, Banz)

I am a level designer and a world builder. My main focus when I world build is not necessarily how large the map I build is, but if the map would suit Blizzard standards. I continuously advance my techniques when it comes to texturing, but also explore the technical side of building games. I started many projects, but much like many solo game developers, I struggle with attempting to make a perfect game that suits my standards. These standards are also set rather high; no different from any other solo developer. My first project was World of Warcraft: Origins of Chaos, a fan-made expansion set after Wrath of the Lich King showing the Legions return with the elven city of Surmar being the main attraction. Afterwards I headed the project World of Warcraft: Runescape Editon, a game designed from the base of World of Warcraft to replicate the experience of Runescape in World of Warcraft. This project has been halted but it is still debatable as to if it will be finished. I am currently studying Game Design at Full Sail University and may finish the game during my studies for experience. The idea was nice and it attracted a lot of attention, so finishing it wouldn't hurt. It would just be very time consuming. With the revival of a Modding community, finishing such a game would be easier. The more advanced modding tools we have the more projects can get completed so I hope this community can spark interest in World of Warcraft modding.