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About itswicky

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  1. Tabs in your spellbook will show based on spell's skilllineability entries. Making a new entry in SkillLine.dbc allows you to create custom spell tabs. You then have to place your new spells in SkillLineAbility.dbc. The SkillLine column in SkillLineAbility.dbc is the associated SkillLine.dbc entry it should be associated with. If you want previous ranks to be overridden with higher ranks, like with warrior and rogue spells, then you need to place the higher ranked spell id in the TrivialSkillLineRankHigh column. E.G. My entry for Heroic Strike rank 1 would have the spellid of Heroic Strike rank 2 in the TrivialSkillLineRankHigh column. Entries with a TrivialSkillLineRankLow value of 2 and an AcquireMethod value of 1 will be learned by the player on character create. There are additional conditions you can use like Race and Class masking.