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  1. Hi guys! so, I activated some races for my servers, one of them are nagas.. and I decided to try to make them high elves, I beggined modiffing the DBCs CharHairTexture ( ) CharHairGeosets ( ) CharFacialHairStyles ( ) and the last, CharSections because obviously the nagas doesnt have for all the faces and skins like the bloodElfs, so I changed that too ( ), maked my patch with the character/naga_/male and female and the dbcs, the result is this: The females work perfectly in the charactercreate screen and ingame, but the males seems right in the character screen but ingame...doesnt Im very new with this could be somenthing stupid, someone know what could happend? I was thinking in release those high elves when ended
  2. Done! Sorry, I though I specify it
  3. Hi guys! Im new with this about modding and that stuff, so dont be surprise if I do fuck up extremely So, I compiled my server in trinitycore 3.3.5, and I tried to add some races, I follow this tutorial:! But...I fail, in simples steps I did this: 1) I extract the required dbc files from C:\Trinity\Source\bin\Release\dbc and edit them in Talis 2) I extract the luas and xml from the enUS patches and edit them 3) I did the sql files and run them on Heidi on the world dbc 4) I created the patch, with the correct roots, I putted in wow and the edited dbc files in the C:\Trinity\Source\bin\Release\dbc back again 5) But! I run the server and I encounter this errors: (It says: "Error creating character") and in the log of the server I found this: Also, when I start the server it just ignores all the sql I just putt ( Also, I created another sql for creating blood elves warrior, and that one for a reason work...while the others its just being ignored, and in the release directory I found a note "DBErrors" with this text: I have been alredy weeks with this going trough forums withouth any answer, if someone could help I would be really thankfull!