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  1. Sorry I don't know much English It's been exactly 5 years since I completely abandoned Wow, I want to share my developments with the rest of the community. I present you the entire server. There is a lot of customization of the client on the server. - custom artifact system (each class has 10 new artefact spells) - Spell visual effect 5.4.8, full spells 5.4.8 - custom items - custom quest - donat system - a lot of custom changes in the core - ~150+ mounts legion, wod, mop,cata.. - lots of new custom spells - new mechanics upgrade items - Full legion artefacts - FFAPVP new system (The Tiger's Peak maps) I don't remember much anymore new zones are populated by NPCs, there are sounds, effects, spells, aura, loot, achivement - Blizz DB A lot of work has been done Raid: Firelands Mogushan Palace Throne of the Four Winds Dungeon: Well of Eternity Halls of Origination Lost City of the Tol'vir The Vortex Pinnacle The Maelstrom Battleground: Twin Peaks Temple of Kotmogu The Battle for Gilneas Arena: Tol'viron Arena The Tiger's Peak The problem is that everything was done for a ru-ru client! Short translation instructions in en-us 0. DBC only patch ru-ru-9 1. DBC ru-ru to SQL, DBC en-us to SQL 2. then we do localization with sql queries 3. sql to dbc 4. LUA through CSV, you will 100% break dbc. NO CSV! If you're a noob, don't try. You can say this is a defense against incompetence. Download: - DB dumps - dbc, maps, mmaps, vmaps - source core - win bin core - configs - listfiles MPQ Server: Client patch: if you want to test, I advise you to download client the Russian ru-RU locale! WoW 3.3.5.torrent .go 1718 1336 87 1135 - Start zone .go -10715 437 24 1136 - Duel zone .go 567 629 380 1012 - ffa zone Raid: .go -35,1185 -227,834 118,353 720 - Firelands .go 3869,44 1550,44 362,199 1008 - Mogushan Palace .go -406,4149 1005,203 313,208 754 - Throne of the Four Winds Dungeon: .go 3452,16 -4804,71 189,814 939 - Well of Eternity .go -480,634 174,444 79,8227 644 - Halls of Origination .go -10982,4 -1385,79 35,6841 755 - Lost City of the Tol'vir .go -719,587 4,32986 635,756 657 - The Vortex Pinnacle .go 842,956 1047,26 -7,20094 730 - The Maelstrom (not sure what works) Battleground: .go 1878,67 -17,7621 45,3377 726 - Twin Peaks .go 1718 1336 87 998 - Temple of Kotmogu .go 1164 1000 95 761 - The Battle for Gilneas Arena: .go -10715 437 24 980 - Tol'viron Arena .go 567 629 380 1134 - The Tiger's Peak Examples: My Telegram: @desed
  2. UPD
  3. You need to convert DBC to sql, add eng localization and everything will work.
  4. Yes, I am Russian, ruRU client spell.dbc
  5. New 52809 spells fully implemented their visualization nonexistent mechanics replaced by similar The whole process took a little more than 100-110 hours Download:
  7. only panda characters models, models weigh a lot chars
  8. Attempting to completely convert the content of these zones, as close as possible to the blizzlike. Raid: Firelands Mogushan Palace Throne of the Four Winds Dungeon: Well of Eternity Halls of Origination Lost City of the Tol'vir The Vortex Pinnacle The Maelstrom Battleground: Twin Peaks Temple of Kotmogu The Battle for Gilneas Arena: Tol'viron Arena The Tiger's Peak Artifacts Legion My list converting dbc structure Legion and Mop to client 3.3.5a Achievement.dbc Achievement_Category.dbc Achievement_Criteria.dbc AreaGroup.dbc AreaPOI.dbc AreaTable.dbc AreaTrigger.dbc BattlemasterList.dbc CharacterFacialHairStyles.dbc CharHairGeosets.dbc CharSections.dbc CharTitles.dbc ChatChannels.dbc ChrRaces.dbc CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc CreatureDisplayInfoExtra.dbc CreatureModelData.dbc CreatureSoundData.dbc CurrencyTypes.dbc DungeonMap.dbc DungeonMapChunk.dbc EmotesTextSound.dbc Faction.dbc FactionTemplate.dbc GameObjectDisplayInfo.dbc GemProperties.dbc GroundEffectDoodad.dbc GroundEffectTexture.dbc HolidayNames.dbc Item.dbc ItemDisplayInfo.dbc ItemExtendedCost.dbc ItemSet.dbc ItemVisualEffects.dbc ItemVisuals.dbc Light.dbc LightFloatBand.dbc LightIntBand.dbc LightParams.dbc LightSkybox.dbc LiquidMaterial.dbc LiquidObject.dbc LiquidType.dbc LoadingScreens.dbc Map.dbc MapDifficulty.dbc NPCSounds.dbc ObjectEffect.dbc ObjectEffectGroup.dbc ObjectEffectPackage.dbc ParticleColor.dbc PvpDifficulty.dbc ScalingStatDistribution.dbc SoundAmbience.dbc SoundEmitters.dbc SoundEntries.dbc SpellIcon.dbc SpellItemEnchantment.dbc SpellVisual.dbc SpellVisualEffectName.dbc Talent.dbc WMOAreaTable.dbc WorldMapArea.dbc WorldMapContinent.dbc WorldMapOverlay.dbc WorldMapTransforms.dbc WorldSafeLocs.dbc WorldStateUI.dbc WorldStateZoneSounds.dbc ZoneIntroMusicTable.dbc ZoneMusic.dbc My way converting dbc: 1. dbc>sql 2. manually compare dbc mop - wotlk 3. converting sql to csv 4. csv to dbc left to finish: - server part - full spell.dbc 5.4 > 3.3.5а Patch size almost 2GB