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About Helias

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    Software Development

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  1. Hey, may this can be helpful https://github.com/mthsena/trinitycore_scripts/tree/master/scripts/CustomRaces This "add" the races and seems to work good.
  2. Version 3.0.0-beta.1


    Keira3 Cross-platform desktop application featuring a Database Editor for the AzerothCore MMORPG framework. With Keira3 you don't have to know the SQL language in order to change contents: it will generate the SQL queries automatically for you. The SQL code will be displayed, so you can learn, and then you can copy or execute it directly to your database. Made with ❤ and TypeScript, Electron, Angular, Bootstrap.
  3. Custom Battleground SlaveryValley Hey, I reworked this old custom battleground originally created by Snoopzz, I improved it a bit and converted into a module of AzerothCore to make it Plug&Play. How to get the module For any info join our Discord server from this invite link and ask on support or to @Barbz / @Helias.