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About Helnesis

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  • Birthday 03/28/1998

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    DBC Editing
    Software Development


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  1. Sad. I thought it's work for Cata+ sorry. When i'm going out the work, i can check on my PC, it seem i have Philips Tools, i can reupload it.
  2. Damn, sorry for the late reply... Yup, it isn't a algorithm, just a lookup table indeed. But, i can check in Trinity Core github how the core check if the hash is correct and update my software. To see EDIT : It isn't a lookup table, now
  3. 1) => You can use Noggit and do mapping for Cata + (still work for me, i'm on BFA 8.0.1) If you want to downport Cata+ asset (M2, WMO, ADT, etc...) you can use the MultiConverter, made by Adspartan : 2) => For ADT Conversion, use Luzifix's Tool, it is better and fast than 010 Editor Script ! 3) For this point, can't help you, sorry man ! Gl I known, it's not what you want, that implies various steps, but it's a good solution for the moment.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    This tool allows to find the FileDataID according to the path of the model. It is still unstable but works. I foresee in the future a filter system by format. Thank to Rangorn for this RootFile Reader
  5. Version 1.0.1


    Hello, this is my first share in this community, This little tool allows to find the hash of a DB2 for TrinityCore hotfixes tables (7.x and more)
  6. Why documented, nobody intends to do anything on Cata + bigkek
  7. "terrible procedure" I run two programs, one to make compatible my map (Cata +) on Noggit, the other to convert Legion (mine + the one of Rangorn :)) and the turn is played. Where is the problem? WoD + Legion (flag that extends the texture limit by chunk by 8 instead of 4) but nothing will change for you, since you do not have that on your TLK. There are also improvements to Vertex Shading.
  8. hey rangorn I just finished the _lod generation software the .exe is complete and thank you for sharing your obj fix to merge it to my program btw, good job it was a pleasure to collaborate with you !
  9. https://puu.sh/tdrEs/27607e60fa.png