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  • Birthday 01/01/2018

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  1. Roccus

    File .cur

    Aucune idée malheureusement
  2. Roccus

    File .cur

    Salut je suis français aussi, normalement j'imagine qu'il doit exister une texture/image dans les fichiers de l'interface du jeu pour le curseur. As-tu essayé de regarder par-là ?
  3. Invisible model in game means you fucked up the md21 chunk with its m2oldsize 4 bytes most of the time. Do as i wrote it in my legion tutorial. Only thing that changed between 7.1 and 7.3.5 m2 are chunk order and modelname offset in the m2 and some skel model which you can t edit right now. Despite that. Everything s the same
  4. Anim files and /or skin files are fucked up. Or your SFID ou AFID chunks are wrong
  5. Actually you can look bfa models, a new geoset has been added to make better tabard. so now you have a real chest geoset for tabard. I personally don't have the time to do it.
  6. Tabard is not a 3d model It takes char texture. Torsoupper and torsolowerthing. Only "tabard 3d model" is the lower part which is a geoset from the character model
  7. ah mirrored ! thought you wanted unique texture. Yep Everything's mirrored, except if you make a unique npc then you can give him a custom non-mirrored texture yes. Or edit the UV Map for your character and redo all tabard texture to fit the new UV
  8. All versions normally since i work only on Wod/Legion
  9. there's already a shitload of tabard with unique texture, it's only a flag to change in itemdisplayinfo. Just compare guild tabard and a pvp tabard for example.
  10. Well I'm currently working on AnimationData for some project of mine but I don't think your problem resides there. I'm not sure I still have lots of little things to test to really be able to tell if yes or not this is the answer. I'll come back when I have all the answers I need.
  11. cast the spell and equip weapon is how i do it on servers. Or Unsheath and cast the spell. It shoudl keep the weapon in your hand, if not, maybe you'll need to do some edits in animationdata I think to remove the auto sheath
  12. There is two "hold pennant...." spell on cataclysm. It does the same but makes you hold a pennant vertically. Same functionnement Or
  13. some geoset flags on the helmet in itemdisplayinfo make the nose and ears of the goblin disappear you may look into this.
  14. You need to go through your M2 with the template and search for renderflags ID, one that has opaque and twosided flags. Then go in skn00 and search for the geoset you want to be two-sided. Then in skin01 search the same geoset and replace in texture..... structure the renderflag ID by the one of the M2 that has the two_sided setting. Or simpler. Go on you model on blender. Select your geoset. go to edit mode, select all in the left menu, chose duplicate. Right click to deselect the moving duplicata and go to shading menu if i remember correctly and "flip directions" to flip normals side. So you won't be needing to edit skin files to have the two_sided effect. But your model will have more vertices which can be a problem for 335 version.