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About jhoancito

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  • Birthday 11/04/1995

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  1. which id token they ask for in the store
  2. Where can I check if the m2 has actually changed 180 degrees?
  3. Version 1.0.0


    bueno chicos acavo de convertirlo para 3.3.5a es una creature nueva espancion
  4. I want to add a weapon that is a 2-handed sword, everything is fine with the tutorial that I found, I converted everything but it turns invisible because that happens, I did it well dbc and add the weapon folder to the weapon for the patch
  5. disculpa cuando pongo .tele Lonforte no me lleva sale no exiten
  6. hello friends I want to change your position of the wings is very high and is very far from the back https://ibb.co/5TJ7YXy <a href="https://imgbb.com/"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/G7rhsfL/Captura-de-pantalla-2022-06-29-202204.png" alt="Captura-de-pantalla-2022-06-29-202204" border="0"></a>
  7. amigo lo hice bien tu guia tengo problema primero fui TXID despues convertidor 3.0.3 todo bien lo agrege bien no sale ma montura es invisible
  8. yo no entiendo para que sirve cliente aleman
  9. As you can see in the image, the wings come out on top of my hair, not on my back, how do I do that, any guide please ne html
  10. disculpa el primero paso eliminar ID no me deja sale error