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About luicius

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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Cut objects from Shattrath: Temple, Aldor temple, "floaters", towers, lift, bank, and world's end tavern, tent things from the scryer tier as well. Pretty spartan. Guts from Oshu'Gunn: Removed the shadow cult objects, swapped broken pods, changed braziers. Pretty standard. Buildings from inside the Exodar: Paladin Shrine, those tent things, C'Oros platform. Basic cuts, added the FX to the shrine, vertex painted matte Draenei Purple. Enjoy. For those curious about the file structure
  2. I didn't see the wall, haha, in that case creating a plane and making it of the "ghost material" would correct the issue no?
  3. Might have to do with portals or the lack thereof. Will check your files and get back to you. Can't load up the files, but if you can PM a screen of your blender studio with this open it may illuminate the issue.
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Beta release of a Shadowfang Keep total conversion. Arbitrarily chose a silver hand theme. Retextured using Blender studio great thanks to Skarn, amroth, and any others involved either in the Studio or the Textures used, e.g. Gilneas textures. All needed (non vanilla) textures are included. Known problems: The Greathall & connected spaces are currently only accessible via teleporting, they are situated below the main body of the keep. Small gaps in object spaces possible lighting bugs in the interior spaces some ugly textures banners in priest statue room are rotated incorrectly flat vertex colours minor clipping where exterior space intersects interior spaces. Stratholme shield in the Great Hall has no textures. Cheers!
  5. Heavily reworking Shadowfang into a Silver Hand Fortress. BETA RELEASE: Haven't placed portals, chopped the front towers for remodeling, retextured about 70%, minor repairs namely the "hall of heroes" Odo's room. Having reintegrated the interior spaces with the exterior model large sections are currently MIA pending work around solutions. (Almost nothing fits in the halls at the back of the keep.) Obviously enormous amounts of work to be done, and I'll never achieve what i really want out of it. Taste is subjective, let me know what you guys think. I may release when / if I finish it to my satisfaction.
  6. After a very long break from editing maps and the like. I've come back and got this wonderful tool working, only to be hit by this roadblock. While attempting to load the Cataclysm UC model into the addon and fix some missing textures I encounter this error. I realize I am likely a fool for missing something obvious, with respect I query if anyone has any ideas?
  7. After a very long break from editing maps and the like. I've come back and got this wonderful tool working, only to be hit by this roadblock. While attempting to load the Cataclysm UC model into the addon and fix some missing textures I encounter this error. I realize I am likely a fool for missing something obvious, with respect I query if anyone has any ideas?
  8. Version 1.0.1


    Hey guys, super basic retexture release. Wanted a cleaned version for my map, made one, maybe someone else wants it. No doodads, still has broken walls, still has doors not sure how to add more interiors, still has weird collision blocking off top of spire and the raised platform for statues or what have you. Huge thanks to @Skarn for the Blender Studio.
  9. LOL, So it's just Ocean hardcoding? FFS. Cheers mate! SOLVED
  10. Yo, my bad if this question was solved elsewhere. I've got a weird issue with my water in Noggit. On a previous project I had no problems, now however, after a major crash and data corruption (maybe noggit got bugged?) the water appears all on the same level, (in this case 0.00). The water should be at 0.0 and -37.00 below the falls. I deleted all water and relaid it out but the problem persists. Any ideas? All water pictured appears in Noggit and should be should be locked at -37.00 height however appears level at 0.00 in game.*