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About ayahne

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    Advanced Member

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  • Specialty
    Level Design
    Software Development

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  1. gameobject and works well in game
  2. Version 1.0.0


  3. Version


    hello, today with the consent of both parties i would like to share tool that i bought from Skarn SL to WMO converter since there is no working tool there You go but dont be so forward dont spam model changing net with wmo to sl pack's since it request still work into wbs etc only open wmos are gtg the BETTER tool is in development and EIntemporeldoing hard work and soon he will share his to modding that that will be big lvl up to everyone of us
  4. Version


    Hello, today I am giving you the opportunity to experience the adventures with me related to minecraft game i dont hide that i never ever play minecraft game and that wmo is just test to convert 1.5mln verts wmo into lk xD hope that You have strong pc enjoy
  5. Version


    Some of my next work which You can take a look on LK its not perfect but still better than nothing removed fogs, paint custom vortex, fixed crashing m2's and little bit more file is from shadowlands converted to lich king so chairs etc You need to add ingame so players can sit on them had to set outdoor flag because some m2's are in shade if You know how to fix all m2's at once without that flag would be great have fun and post some screens from game Soon maybe someone upload orginal version of that wmo
  6. Version 1.0.0


    I will let You test some off my work 4 wmos from shadowlands converted to lk 3.3.5 i pick latest file's i will not update it to another expasions do it on Your own Have fun
  7. love detaled stuff good work
  8. Nice tutorial for new people that hit into modding, but still far away from advenced converting but play hard go pro good work ?
  9. Spells require a lot of handwork to be almost exactly the same as in the shadowlands, as there are no scripts to make them work as well. Most modders there convert spells in shitty version (white clouds that mean wrong color, wrong emiters etc) programs You need to have nice spells is 010 editor to play with values mostly paricles edit's photoshop to recolor or change textures m2mod but just in some cases MultiConverter_3.3.0 and of course txid fixer Pymodeleditor also for random cases As You can see its not just drag #drop
  10. https://gyazo.com/c05ec0f1bfe8a4756bce1e12ad4e5c6e BabyFaerieDragon.zip Merry Christmas
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Format is in obj format i guess its more friendly with modders there. hope You will find use in those files have fun
  12. Version 1.0.0


    weapons in fbx format with textures You can cut any model You want and add into game have fun