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About Saukem

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  1. After a few days of trying and nothing working, I'm lost. Smooth shading just doesn't work. This is all the steps I take, in order: - Switch to edit mode - Select all faces -> Ctrl T to triangulate - Switch to object mode - Copy my meshes - Merge copied meshes into one - Edit mode: select all faces: remove doubles - Object mode - Select all meshes with the merged one last - Ctrl Shift T -> Custom Normals - I can see the shading in Blender change to the smoothed version - Export - It doesn't work in-game.
  2. Oooh right. Unfortunately I don't know anything about code so I think I'm stuck with the hard shading. It's not the end of the world.
  3. I think I'm missing a step somewhere or something. It all looks good in Blender after following your steps, I can definitely tell a difference in shading in blender. However in-game it still looks the same.
  4. 1: Thank youuu I really do appreciate the effort 2; I was with you until the transferring normals part. I don't know how to do that. 3; It's cool, I'm already happy enough that you're helping me with the other two. I'll keep fiddling around with this, if I can figure it out I'll let everyone know what the problem was and how I fixed it.
  5. Hello friends. I've recently stumbled on the blender scripts for working with Wmos and they're absolutely amazing. It's really rekindled my love for working with custom models because of how easy it makes the whole "getting it to work" process. I've figured mostly everything out and can quite easily get models working in-game now without much hassle. HOWEVER (there's always something). There's some things that are just not working no matter how much I fiddle around with it in Blender. Here's the list: - NightGlow breaks the export and gives me an error. I'd really like NightGlow because it gives such a great atmosphere at night. I tried Skarn's 101Editor script for adding NightGlow but it doesn't seem to work either; the windows are still dark at night. - Smooth Shading. The shading on my custom models is really sharp and blocky, making it easy to distinguish a custom model from a native Blizzard one. A big shame! - There's rain and other weather effects inside my custom Wmos! I made sure the "inside" checkbox is checked, so it's not that. Rain just falls straight through the roof. This is the dealbreaker, really. I can live without NightGlow and smooth shading, but rain inside the buildings is just too annoying. That's it. If any of you have any solutions for any of these, I'd thoroughly appreciate it.