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About billbong

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  1. Folk like you and Chase will continue driving yourself into such stress unless you realize that whatever you do and make for the community, will spread across said community. You're talking about bootleg servers which Blizzard aren't on board with either. Clients that are also spread through different unofficial means, too. We aren't exactly operating on a platform where you can make claims fairness or something silly of the sort. or boycott anyone lmao how you even gonna pull that off You won't certainly turn into laughing stock like Chase did, if you won't realize how goofy the thing you are trying to do right now is. You won't be recognized as the modding community's martyr, but more of a dude who got too much free time to waste on something like this. Also, don't pay attention to Nortwin either. He is our local clown and nobody takes him serious on RPH either.
  2. quote everyone from rph on this thread telling you to kill yourself
  3. the common theme of rph modders getting banned when they act like hot shit once their content is noticed there is still a good number of people who do stuff in rph its just not you chase and you're angry about it enough to dedicate so much time crying and bitching about it
  4. alastor pulls the bold card "heh people stealing things? unacceptable" meanwhile he made million of views off a stolen video but hey branding everything you steal with your name is really the true power
  5. i was more refering to the change of your tone once the other side decided to show up and i been here since june so ha
  6. its funny how ppl now try to shut this down after the other side decided to speak out it isnt as much of a drama as it is chases attempt to manipulate people and you bit the bait. way to go
  7. content theft is awful i agree like i've been to this paragon rp server and they had a launcher called rphconnect.exe can you BELIEVE that?