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About Lunnia

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  1. Terrain complete. Thank you Skarn!
  2. Do you enjoy Noggit terrain editing and painting? Have a flair with eversong style? Self motivated and have paypal? Great! We are a group of roleplayers who have rebuilt from sunwell on down as briefly seen here: Our skillsets are in decorating, serverside work and modeling, less so in terrain shaping and painting. The final tweaking and painting of cliffs and terrain on these last few adts has been avoided by us for so long it's time to reach out and find someone who upon taking a look, knows they can do what it takes to finish them off. Here: If you are wanting to apply, have proof of ability and a good idea of how much you wish to make out of this. Contact me on Discord: Hiyacinth#0698
  3. Is it still possible to get the optional 'with/without' ground doodad checkbox? ? Converted draenor over and this tool is magic, it's incredibly quick and simple. As for the ground doodads, I read earlier it them being removed due to errors, adt errors due to lack of dbc input? Either way would be great to get this option! Definitely agree with other posters, this tool is incredibly awesome.
  4. Sai Editor for Trinitycore is a good Sai editor. Direct to the db connection.
    After remaking all of Lordaeron from Wetlands up, I remember seeing this on Moonguard wiki. Amazing work, such great level design, glad it was shared and not lost. Well worth the download, especially if you are new to wow Modding and want to look into a custom mpq and what changes can be made. =)