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About Amaroth

  • Rank
    The True Modder
  • Birthday 11/19/1992

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  • Specialty
    Level Design
    DBC Editing
    Software Development


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  1. Personally probably not interested unless you need jsut Photoshop (not gonna ever install modding tools back again for way too many reasons), but I'd suggest at least some outline of what kind of project it is and what kind of work is expected. "I need help with DBCs, mainly spells" or "I need Noggit work" or "I need C++ coder for changes in the server emu". "It's an RP project" or "Making a PvP fun server" or "Making custom PvE dungeon/raid content"... you get the idea. Imagine a company hiring writing "we need a new employee". I mean, cool but...
  2. Amaroth

    Hello !

    Game version? If we are talking 3.3.5a (and likely in other builds as well), the skirt is actually a texture type item, unless you want to actually edit the very geoset meshes on the character models, there is no job for you to perform in the 3D modelling department. All you need is create an item (world.item_template, Item.dbc), create a custom item displayID (ItemDisplayInfo.dbc) and make sure to set the item displayID's geosets correctly. For reference, use this: and literally any original blizzlike item which has a skirt on it.
  3. For the spells, not sure, has been too long to remember. Kaev's lead should be the right one though. I am posting to toss in one more thing regarding skills - note that there's which can forbid certain class and race combinations from learning skills. For that reason for example, you may have an issue with alliance races learning horde languages, and vice versa (or there are some other, class-specific skills, as well, such as weapon skills). So, if you choose to do this with skills as well, be aware of this thing. But that's more of a side note.
  4. There's no code in DBC. DBC is effectively a database. There are 2 possible versions of loading screen - 4:3 and 16:9 (the optional wide variant). That's it. You'd have to change the game client's code to add bigger variety. I mean, you can probably make a 4:3 2048x1536 or 16:9 2048x1152 BLPs if you want higher res. That should work. Not entirely sure about what Vlad wrote, theoretically, a 1360x768 BLP should work, afaik any number which can be divided by 8 should (I may be wrong here though). But 1366 definitely won't ever work, that's a constraint imposed by the very BLP format structure.
  5. That's likely a part of Stormwind's WMO file. You'd need to edit the Stormwind's model, this is not topic for Noggit at all. Search for how to edit WMOs (and pray that you can open, edit and save such a huge model without issues).
  6. Iirc this happens if WDT file contains references to ADTs for which no files exist, it's effectively a null reference error. Check whether your WDT really matches the map, and that there are no ADTs marked you ended up not creating.
  7. ItemDisplayInfo.dbc - stores display (visual) IDs. Item.dbc and world.item_template - stores references from items to those display IDs.
  8. Palletized textures are used for textures applied directly to character models. Item "texturecomponents". Chest, gloves, legs, boots, wrists, belt. Not sure if they are also used for the character skin textures themselves as well, but iirc, yes. How to make them - open PNG in Photoshop, palletize it in it to 256 colors, convert to BLP, done. Or use BLP convertor's GUI feature which palletizes the PNG as part of the conversion, iirc there is some button in ribbon for "clothing textures" or something of sorts.
  9. The Barrens graveyard is default which is used if no other suitable one is found. Apart from server side maps (not really sure if re-generating does anything in this case, but it has been a long ass time since the last time I did this), make sure you updated DBC files in server's files as well (you did not mention doing that in the post) and you may also be able to find something in worldserver log file, if there is for example an issue with pairing some references.
  10. Next time put more effort into trying to search on your own before posting . I don't update nor support the toolpack anymore but you will likely find what you need there.
  11. I'd suggest providing more details and preferably screenshots. "they really look far away from what they should like" - what does that mean?
  12. My experience with server side map extractors is that they do not correctly open all MPQs in search for Map.dbc. It's likely that the vmap extractor opens outdated Map.dbc, perhaps from the Locale folder. To prevent that from happening, I was putting my DBCs into Locale as well. I am not 100% sure about the specifics, but there was somewhere a tutorial for server side maps I wrote here.
  13. Hey, in case you still wonder how to go about this, I went through how the WoW modding works in general here: It's really just a theoretical introduction, but should outline how things work in general and give you the required basics of what to look for next. If you want to recolor items, you will need to find their BLP texture filex by using WMV and/or their Item DBC files, and you will need to be able to make your own custom MPQ patch, and distribute it to your players. Best of luck!
  14. Hi. There's a DBC file which makes sure the game has a minimap associated with a game (world/continent) map, and which also makes sure that the game shows the player position-indicating cursor on the right spot. I explained the way this works on WotLK hopefully in big enough detail here: Now, you still might have to face issues with exploration. Unfortunately, I never toyed with that, but I hope this should at least give you some entry to the following steps required. Best of luck!
  15. Hey guys, as I keep getting questions from time to time, please note that I have retired from modding in early 2020. I am still reading PMs and responding to them, however, I am starting to forget some things at this point, I no longer have my tools on my PC and I don't know what is up to date, what has changed etc. My ability to help you is thus limited and is becoming limited more and more as I am simply growing out of touch with WoW modding.

    If you want to contact me, feel free to, and you do honor me by doing so - truly - just keep in mind that I am unlikely to be the best person to help you. I recommend reaching out to active contributors or making simply a public thread on this forum instead of writing to my PM. It's likely to be both faster and more effective way for you to get the help you need. It has been a blast here regardless. Stay strong, and keep making great thing happen, with or without me. All I ever wanted was to help other people to do even better, than they were doing so far. Each modder has potential of making many people happy. And that makes me happy whenever I am even a small bit of help for that modder.