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About grimclaw87

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    DBC Editing

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    Very good job sir and you are helping the new members of mod community
  1. Hello there. I need your help with a problem i have when i am trying to add a custom mount spell. There is something i am missing and i don't know where is my mistake. ok let the story starts: the model is converted for 3.3.5, wow model viewer shows it correctly I am adding the model and display id of the creature i want to use as a mount in the tables (CreatureDisplayInfo) and (Creaturemodeldata) I am adding the edited database files in my server dbc folder and in a custom mpq patch I am adding the display id to my sql database I am creating in my database the creature in Creature_template with the display id I am using wow spell editor and making a new spell with new ID cloning of an existing mount spell i am adding the new creature ID in the Misc value A Saving the new spell and then exporting it. Replacing the exported spell.dbc files to my server dbc folder and in a custom patch. So we are ready. The spell exists,the mount creature display id works on an npc I am learning the spell It is ok in character mount/pet section ,but when i am trying to summon it , boom it makes me invisible . What am i missing here?
  2. Want to buy: repack 3.3.5 (New one or Modification to mine) Races, without Racials: Must be able to wear correctly armor(helmet I don't care) Alliance side: extra race-Worgen (without transformation)(starting in the Human area) Lightforge drainei (replacing the original) Horde side: extra race-Vulpera (starting in orc area) Void elf (replacing undead) In case of Editing the existing: Providing Source code and database to be edited, so you don't start from scratch Super logical prices, ( i am not a millionaire) No stolen work from other authors. Proof that everything is working correctly Amateur here, strict personal use, no plans for any business professional use. Send me a message for contact information and discord
  3. Hello, i need your help with something with your experience. I created a custom map,on QA_DVD area and wanted to add a custom graveyard I filled map.dbc,area table.dbc and world safe zones.dbc of my core database I added the graveyard to sql database I added the files to an .mpq patch But i can't make it work in-game and it teleports me to Barrens graveyard(for horde) as it does when it can not find any graveyard For some reason the client does not recognise the map, i can go to the map, teleport there but i can not link the graveyard and when logging in or out the location of the player is blank. What am i missing here?
  4. Yes,it worked now. that was the problem. when i was saving it, the size changed to 209x128 Thank you man
  5. Hello, I have a problem when I am trying to replace the original wow logo with a custom. I have created the logo with a logo-making program, it came in a (.png) format. then convert it with the blp converter to (.blp) format, place it in a custom patch with the (interface\glues\common) path. But when i am opening the client, i get this:
  6. I found a temporary solution. i went ingame and placed some decorative walls around the blue hollow box. so it does not harm my eyes seeing it
  7. Yes after only working in noggit, i did not change anything in another program. the thing is that these files are transferred into an external drive and then back. depends on the situation. One is for sure it does not look like the border of the ending map. usually those are are walk-through walls. this is unpassable and in the perimeter of the object i had placed there,like it is corrupted for some reason. but i did not change anything in the .mpq file with map objects and models. the thing is that i can not mod it with noggit anymore in this area, because it crashes there.
  8. Hello there. I need your help and your experience with a strange bug i came across. I was modifying the original map with the program NOGGIT, i finished the first map area and moved to another area. Some day randomly as i visited the first area i had modified,i noticed a giant hollow blue wall as i was getting closer to an area that i had placed an object a dark moon fairie tent specifically. the object is gone also. I tried to open NOGGIT and go this area to delete the object that causes this but noggit crashes when i am trying to visit the specific area. Any idea what causes this problem and how can I fix it? I am attaching some pics to see what I am talking about.
  9. Does anyone have a patch containing or just the files of Pandaria character for 3.3.5 ?
  10. Hello guys i need some help here. I tried to make a new mount spell So i cloned with spell editor program the polar bear mount spell. I changed the info and added a new creature in Creature _template to make it a mount with id 1000964 as seen in picture. I added it in Misc Value A and export the edited spell.dbc file then i added the all spell.dbc files in core dbc folder and in mpq patch. the problem is that when i log in and learn the spells when i cast them, i become invisible even though in my mount section of my interface the mount is showing correctly.
    Thank you for sharing it. Can you define its location on the map. i mean some coordinates X,Y,Z to create a teleport for there.