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About Dumb_Peon

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  1. Hello. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to comment here. My problem is that when applying changes with Noggit to the zones of Un'goro and Thousand Needles some of the the water in the saved areas rises really high in altitude, as show here https://imgur.com/IHQdumF and here https://imgur.com/lEHdDn7 . I'm guessing it's because the 2 zones are craters and way bellow the usual altitude of other zones but still I have no idea how to fix this since i've never edited water before and i never learned, the changes done were all not water related as well. Any points in the right direction would be appreciated.
  2. Omg it actually works perfectly. Bless you for posting this.
  3. For me all of the wmos were missing some textures, but regardless i just want to say bless your heart for posting them anyway. This is one of the best things a person can aquire and you to put it out for free is beyond kind.