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About Aramiel

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    DBC Editing

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    If anyone needs help, feel free to post on the github issues link. Thank you
  1. Aramiel


    Version 1.x


    What the application can do? For example, you want to recompile your server or start a new project. But you want to use the same worldserver/authserver configurations from your old project. We know that trinitycore is updating often and want to keep up with. Collections On the right top corner, you have an option to save or delete the current collection of lines to replace
  2. Wow, that interface is so awesome, do you mind sharing the addon please. Thank you # Is it working for 3.3.5?
  3. Depends if you want to have a new map for that, then you need to create on with Noggit. Depends on the emulator, I recommend TrinityCore with Eluna Lua Engine, easy to script. That could be the steps you need if already have your idea saved.
  4. Made this application for people to use as example of how to do safe mysql connection without writting mysql info details into your "featured launcher". This is simple because the database info is handled in 2 php files on your webserver for example I have: htdocs/appconnect/index.php htdocs/appconnect/database.php The client application only reads the result returned by index.php where in my example the link contains parameters such as: ""Source here:
  5. Version Up to Date


    Made this application for people to use as example of how to do safe mysql connection without writting mysql info details into your "featured launcher". This is simple because the database info is handled in 2 php files on your webserver for example I have: htdocs/appconnect/index.php htdocs/appconnect/database.php The client application only reads the result returned by index.php where in my example the link contains parameters such as: "" Source included in the DOWNLOAD BUTTON
  6. Trinity Item Creator [3.3.5] (Open source)What this application can do Save item as *.sql Copy query to clipboard Import to database Save/Load custom templates Load premade templates DisplayID finder Stats generator Reset all fields Make item.dbc What can you do?Help us maintain the application with latest trinitycore database structure and keep features functional by reporting any issue or request on our github issue tracker [here]. Available LinksOpen source repositoryLatest downloadable version Thanks Sdyees, Freddan962 for contribution
  7. Version 1.0.0

    514 downloads Contains 3 new maps made within the last month for my project but I'm still unhappy of the result and I would like to share it with the community but maybe somebody will get use of them. Notice that may contain cataclysm water in these files too.
  8. Aramiel


    Thanks for reply, I was thinking that the road edge was cool but as I can see it doesn't really fit.
  9. Aramiel


    Hey Thanks for your review, I'll keep t his in mind and try to improve my building skills as this was my first attempt into noggit and I was just playing a little with teverything I found in wow model viiewer. Thanks alot for the review!
  10. Aramiel

    Nightelf Small Area

    I made this small area for nightelfs, probably for starting zone. Still working on the other racial areas