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About wilderkitty

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  1. So, i've got a similar issue to what has been brought up already. I am using both the newest version of Blender and the newest version of the M2Mod and have followed all the steps up to the importing into Blender to the letter. I have tried with both custom and raw extracted game models, it simply returns similar error logs. What am i doing wrong here? Update: Am i using an old version of the importer? I'm using the one recommended in this tutorial, ones included in the 4.6.1 M2Mod folder. I have all 3 of the addons (import, export, wowtools) enabled. Aside form digging through all the releases of M2Mod looking for a newer addon, idk what to do. Update2: Solution? I had a look at suncurio's website and they had a section for the scripts, there was a newer version HERE. I would advice updating this tutorial with references to this for futureproofing. It appears the custom model did not like the armature model of blender but atleast everything imported.