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16 files

  1. Krosus model from WoD alpha

    Krosus model from WoD alpha build 20740. It's in WoD m2 format.
    -The head is totally different.
    -It has particle effects and outlined hands.
    External Download


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  2. Celestial Dragon Pet from PTR 3.3.3 Build 11623

    This is the beta version of the Celestial Dragon Pet. From PTR 3.3.3 Build 11623.
    External Download


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  3. Scrapped Chimera Mount From Wod Alpha

    This mount was added in build 18164 but totally removed from the game files a few builds later.
    This model was supposed to be an iconic mob of Draenor, but for unknown reasons it was scrapped. You can still find its skull in the Legion login screen and all around Draenor, specially Gorgrond.
    It was requested many times, so here it goes.
    It's in WoD file format, to use it in Wotlk you must retro-port it.
    External Download


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  4. Buckle Texture Hardcoder

    This script changes the texture type of a belt buckle m2 to "hardcoded", so you can attach it as a spell in WotLK.
    Requires 010 editor.
    How it works:
    -Put the models you want to modify inside the folder called "Models".
    -Run "MassBuckleTextureHardcoder.bat" and wait
    It copies the name of your current model and creates a texture path with the same name. If your model is called "Buckle_pinkunicorn" it will create a path called "Item\ObjectComponents\Waist\buckle_pinkunicorn.blp".
    This script only works if your model has "BUCKLE_" at the start of its name.
    If the model has multiple texture variations, just change its name and a different texture path will be created for that specific file. Example:
    Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01.m2 has 3 textures:

    If you wish to have all 3 variations, copy the model and change the name of its copies to "Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01Blue.m2" and "Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01Red.m2" so the path matches.
    To make this script work there must be an entry for 010 editor in environment variables (this allows windows to launch 010 editor through the cmd window, otherwise it won't work):
    -Right click on My computer -> properties -> advanced system settings -> environment variables -> Path
    -Click edit
    -Add your 010 editor directory to the list separated from the rest of the entries by a ";" (Example: ;C:\Program Files (x86)\010 Editor)
    (Detailed guide on this video)


    (0 reviews)



  5. WoD+ character texture to WOTLK converter (Photoshop action)

    I made some Photoshop actions that automatically resize, move and crop the WoD/Legion/BfA character textures to make them work correctly in WOTLK. You can run them in a batch to convert multiple textures with just 1 click.
    With this method you can retro-port almost every hd character model in a few minutes (you still need to modify the UV inside the M2 file but that's easy).
    -The "Body texture" action automatically copies the face region, resizes and moves it to the lower left corner of the body texture. Then saves and closes the file.
    -The "Face Texture" (upper and lower) action simply resizes and cuts the face files. You must duplicate each wod face texture and apply the upper action to to one of them and the lower action to the other (Wod only has 1 face texture file but wotlk has two, one for the upper half and other for the lower half).
    -The facial hair action is similar to the face action. Also works for scalps. It cuts and resizes the texture but preserves transparency for facial hair textures (like beards or eyebrows).
    -Tauren, Pandaren, Draenei and undead have some extra stuff (like tails, hooves, bones) where the head is supposed to be, so i made an action that cuts that region and saves it, so you can use it as an extra texture.
    For batch conversion go to "file-> automate-> Batch...", choose the action and the folder you want and hit "OK".
    Tested in Photoshop CS6. It should work in older versions, but i am not 100% sure.
    TIP: Character textures in Lich King MUST be in INDEXED format to work. Remember to index them if you use blpconverter (command: BLPConverter.exe /FBLP_PAL_A8 "file").


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  6. Legion to Wotlk (or Wod) M2 Converter

    I made this script to convert multiple models from Legion to Wrath of the Lich King or Warlords of Draenor. Requires 010 editor.
    The first script removes the unnecessary information before the M2 header and changes its version from 274 to 272 to make it work in WoD. The second one does the same but also runs Philip's converter on the M2 files to make them work in Wotlk.
    How it works:
    -Put the models you want to covert inside the folder called "Models".
    -Run "Legion M2 to Wod/Wotlk.bat" and wait
    This script can also read all the subfolders inside "models" and convert every M2 inside of them.
    Legion to Wotlk
    Legion to WoD
    To make this script work there must be an entry for 010 editor in environment variables (this allows windows to launch 010 editor through the cmd window, otherwise it won't work):
    -Right click on My computer -> properties -> advanced system settings -> environment variables -> Path
    -Click edit
    -Add your 010 editor directory to the list separated from the rest of the entries by a ";" (Example: ;C:\Program Files (x86)\010 Editor)
    (Detailed guide on this video)


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