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16 files

  1. Blood Mod (for WotLK and Cata) V3

    This mod adds bloodier combat effects to the game and includes some blood splats similar to those removed during the classic beta.
    WotLK - Cata
    (Old version)
    -Fixed crashes.
    -Violence level is now always 2 and cannot be disabled or changed.
    -Added purple blood (id 5).
    IMPORTANT: to make it work correctly go to video settings and turn "projected textures" on. Also, set the "Particle Density" to High and set the Texture Filtering to High to avoid visual glitches.
    If you are using V2, make sure your violence level is set to 2. In-game, type:
    /console violenceLevel 2 Known bugs:
    -If you zoom in to first person view, you won't be able to see the blood splats from your character.
    -If a character morphs into another model, all the blood splats from that character will disappear.
    -The blood splats change color if your character changes color (curses, venom, etc.).
    -The blood splats scale changes if the scale of your character changes.
    -Blood effects do not show if you one-hit kill the target. It's hardcoded into the client and can't be changed as far as I know (happens with the default blood as well).
    -It's not possible to use this mod in MoP since the game cleans all blood splats each time your character is hit or dies.
    Note: The splats on the ground disappear after 45 seconds. You can change it by editing the particle lifespan in 010editor.
    If you think there are too many blood splats to the point they overlap or affects the performance, just change the default particle emissionrate (12) to 7 or less with 010editor.
    Blood color is set in CreatureModelData.dbc, column 6 (1 = red, 2 = green, 3 = black, 4 = blue, 5 = purple).


    (0 reviews)



  2. Buckle Texture Hardcoder

    This script changes the texture type of a belt buckle m2 to "hardcoded", so you can attach it as a spell in WotLK.
    Requires 010 editor.
    How it works:
    -Put the models you want to modify inside the folder called "Models".
    -Run "MassBuckleTextureHardcoder.bat" and wait
    It copies the name of your current model and creates a texture path with the same name. If your model is called "Buckle_pinkunicorn" it will create a path called "Item\ObjectComponents\Waist\buckle_pinkunicorn.blp".
    This script only works if your model has "BUCKLE_" at the start of its name.
    If the model has multiple texture variations, just change its name and a different texture path will be created for that specific file. Example:
    Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01.m2 has 3 textures:

    If you wish to have all 3 variations, copy the model and change the name of its copies to "Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01Blue.m2" and "Buckle_Leather_RaidMonk_N_01Red.m2" so the path matches.
    To make this script work there must be an entry for 010 editor in environment variables (this allows windows to launch 010 editor through the cmd window, otherwise it won't work):
    -Right click on My computer -> properties -> advanced system settings -> environment variables -> Path
    -Click edit
    -Add your 010 editor directory to the list separated from the rest of the entries by a ";" (Example: ;C:\Program Files (x86)\010 Editor)
    (Detailed guide on this video)


    (0 reviews)



  3. Celestial Dragon Pet from PTR 3.3.3 Build 11623

    This is the beta version of the Celestial Dragon Pet. From PTR 3.3.3 Build 11623.
    External Download


    (0 reviews)



  4. Diablo 3-like wings

    This mod is basically for my blend mode overrides tutorial. Includes 11 wings.
    I used some modified textures from Diablo 3 and Heroes of the Storm. The geometry is 10 bent planes with some basic rotation.
    To make it work in-game you have to create a custom spell and attach the wing model to the back of your character (attachment 12), as you do with belt buckles.
    If you want to increase or reduce the beam density, play with the "TexLookupTable" in 010editor:

    -For Wrath of the Lich King
    -For Cata, Mop and Wod
    *Fixed crashes.


    (3 reviews)



  5. Game Boy Mount

    A Game Boy console from the 90s with an animated screen.
    For Wrath of the Lich King (264), Mop, Cata and Wod (272).
    Includes 9 cases and 13 cartridges.
    First DBC texture column: case
    Second DBC texture column: cartridge, particles and screen
    External link:
    Password: by inico


    (0 reviews)



  6. Krosus model from WoD alpha

    Krosus model from WoD alpha build 20740. It's in WoD m2 format.
    -The head is totally different.
    -It has particle effects and outlined hands.
    External Download


    (0 reviews)



  7. Legion to Wotlk (or Wod) M2 Converter

    I made this script to convert multiple models from Legion to Wrath of the Lich King or Warlords of Draenor. Requires 010 editor.
    The first script removes the unnecessary information before the M2 header and changes its version from 274 to 272 to make it work in WoD. The second one does the same but also runs Philip's converter on the M2 files to make them work in Wotlk.
    How it works:
    -Put the models you want to covert inside the folder called "Models".
    -Run "Legion M2 to Wod/Wotlk.bat" and wait
    This script can also read all the subfolders inside "models" and convert every M2 inside of them.
    Legion to Wotlk
    Legion to WoD
    To make this script work there must be an entry for 010 editor in environment variables (this allows windows to launch 010 editor through the cmd window, otherwise it won't work):
    -Right click on My computer -> properties -> advanced system settings -> environment variables -> Path
    -Click edit
    -Add your 010 editor directory to the list separated from the rest of the entries by a ";" (Example: ;C:\Program Files (x86)\010 Editor)
    (Detailed guide on this video)


    (2 reviews)



  8. Model listfile template

    I use this small listfile to quickly find all the elements of a model when a new build or expansion comes out and there are no listfiles available.
    Just open the file with notepad and replace "Creature\ModelName\ModelName" with your model path (Edit-> Replace...), for example "character\zandalaritroll\male\zandalaritrollmale" or "creature\vulperafemalepirate\vulperafemalepirate". Then use it as your listfile in Casc Explorer.

    Includes .anim, .skel, .bone and .phys. Of course, it doesn't look for textures.
    This is quite useful for me because most released lists lack some .anim files.


    (0 reviews)



  9. PHYS template (MoP and WoD)

    This template for 010 editor allows you to modify PHYS files from Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor.
    Some notes and technical information:
    How to load a PHYS file in-game
    Change your model globalflags to 32 (or 160 if your model casts shadows as well):

    The bones with physics must have flag 1024:

    Bone coordinates
    Bones with physics will take their position coordinates from the phys file and ignore the position given in the m2.
    Position is set in the WELJ, SHOJ or SPHJ chunks.
    Bone hierarchy
    Bones with physics will not be affected by the rotation, scaling and translation of the parent bones unless they are added as an attachment.

    As you can see in the image above, the gourds with physics are not affected by the m2 animation and will only move if their coordinate in the world changes.
    This is why Blizzard makes separate m2 files for parts with physics. Exampe:
    creature/fishmount/fishmount.m2 (base model without physics)
    creature/fishmount/fishmount_wiskersleft.m2 (left wisker with physics)
    creature/fishmount/fishmount_wiskersright.m2 (right wisker with physics)

    The wiskers from the fish mount are in different m2 files, attached server-side as a vehicle accessory. You can also add them as spells or items. If the whiskers were part of the base model, they will just be floating next to the head, since they would not be affected by the parent bone movement.
    It's not necessary to separate meshes with physics if your model is static (i.e. helmets, weapons, shoulder pads, etc.).
    However you can add physics to a bone, and animate all the bones connected to it.
    (Since 7.1 models with physics don't have to be separated - See as an example)
    Difference between MoP and WoD
    The Phys file structure is the same for MoP and WoD.
    However, the only thing I noticed is that in MoP physics are more sensitive and the shapes feel lighter.


    1 comment


  10. Pokemon Card Mount

    For Wrath of the Lich King (264), Mop, Cata and Wod (272).
    Includes 11 cards.
    First DBC texture column: foil texture
    Second DBC texture column: card texture
    External link:
    Password: by inico


    (0 reviews)

