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About Inmedia

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  1. Strange, i dont need mediafire pro to download them... So somehow i managed to make 3 of the files to a winrar archive...but the fourth i am unable to make it a winrar archive file...even after mutliple deletes and redownloads, i even tried 7-zip AND winrar... So if someone just could upload the .mpq file INSIDE the archive i would be so thankful!
  2. basically my problem is i dont get the mpq file since i cant open the archive succesfully... so if anyone could may upload the .mpq file as a standalone and not as archive that would fix my problem?!
  3. no i do not want to open Uthils .mpq files, i just want to open the archive which CONTAINS the .mpq file...the archive is a winrar or winzip one but i can not open it because it says the archive is broken. Also i dont downlaod .rar files the files are named .001 ; .002 ; .003 ; .004 by my windows after i downloaded them (windows 10)
  4. Hello community, im just totally new to WoW model changing. So i got a problem: I want to modelchange my Lightshope Vannilla client with But when i download the main mod (4 parts) i can not open them with WinRar and/or 7zip. The files get named .001, .002,.003,.004 at the end. Manually renaming them to a .rar file works but than i cant open the archive and it says the archive is broken. So anyways, i downloaded the Balsh models patch file and installed it succesfully. ITS AWESOME! BUT: do i miss out ANY model with Balsh models file only? Do i need the main mod aswell for maximum model reskins?! If so how can i succesfully download/open the archive? Thanks and regards