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About Scorer

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  1. I have fixed my problem it was missing textures, i put the m2 file in 010 editor and found which textures i was missing, i put them in the patch and it works fine tnx for the help. Pic:
  2. I see but maybe it has to do with how i implement the stuff, for example i take the name of the fireball or wrathfull sword and change flaming ashbringer to that name the m2 blp and skin file make it in to a patch and thats it but it also has problems here a picture of the ashbringer . So is it the way i implement them wrong or cos i have the latest legion build in casc maybe its bad cos i got the m2 skin and blp file for this sword, sry if you cant understand something im noob on this stuff.
  3. Hey man thank you for this awesome tool, i have a problem if you can help me i converted the legion mage fireball and put it in a mpq patch, when i cast it ingame its all green ty.