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About cherix

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  1. I foud the solution after many weeks, apparently you have to create a parent ID inside worldmaparea.dbc and then link all of your maps to it so it display correctly.
  2. I have check other maps from Kalimdor and there is mutiple map id as same ID like Durotar mulgore and barrens got mapID = 1
  3. Hi everyone ! I hope you are doing good. I have try to fins some solution alone and with some poeple the discord, but didn't find the good awnser to fix the problem. I have made a custom wow expansion with noggit red on 3.3.5 server, and a graphist made me custom map for my dungeon and my new zone. I have a huge continent divided in 7 subzone. I have add the custom worldmap for my 1st subzone, and did the same things for the 2nd zone, but when i'm in the 2nd zone and press M, it only display again the 1st zone map and i don't know why. I have try to check how it was made for easter kingdom and kalimdor and did same but it's not working. Here is a screenshot about the DBC , i don't know what i'm doing wrong to make the 2nd map and the future map that i will add to display correctly. So the screenshot with the sand is the 1st zone that work perfectly i will add too some screenshot with the gps from Yoko bay ( sand ) and the 2nd zone . Here it's Yoko Bay ( the map that work ) Here it's the GPS of the 2nd map that didn't work So here is the 1st map ingame And normaly on the 2nd zone it should display this map but it shows again the first one. And here it's how it look inside my DBC I hope someone can help me to see what i'm doing wroing thanks a lot for reading this and helping me to find out ! Have a nice day
  4. Hello everyone ! I hope you're doing good ! This is the first video of the series about the Forgotten Land preview. This is a custom expansion in 3.3.5 and i will present you all the different zone via small video on youtube each 1-2 days. Actually the expansion is divided in 7 zone with 6 custom dungeon. I will do separate video about dungeons later ! I hope you will enjoy what you see !
  5. Hello just have a question, First thanks a lot for the tutorial it work perfectly ! I just got a problem, when i .morph t + Id myself it work perfectly, but when i want to creat a new monster with the ID of the morph it doesn't work don't know what's the problem
  6. Hi everyone i'm working on a custom private server running azeroth core in 3.3.5.So i made a custom dungeon and for player enter it i creat a invisible NPC trigger that teleport near player to the dungeon, but when we are in ghost mode ( dead ) the trigger doesn't teleport us. Did you know how to do for the trigger to detect dead player ? thank you
  7. Hi everyone, i'm working on a private server 3.3.5 running azerothcore, i'm making a custom expansion. I just have one problem that i can FIND again where it is. I would like to modify the ghostzone that the player will spawn when he dies in dungeon, all of my custom map have a working graveyard but i wasn't able to find in which DBC i need to change the ghostzone for player spawn in ghost in my custom map. I find i just can't link 2 same graveyard to one zone, so i just duplicate one and change the ID it work
  8. I found the bugg, it was a invisible gameobject on noggit that was phasing the monster. i just had t delete that !
  9. Hi everyone ! I'm actually working on a full custom private server with custom achievement , maps and dungeon with noggit ( done ) and i'm actually looking to put some custom set inside the server. Just got 2 question, do i only have to use '' ItemSet.dbc and Item_set_name ? i have try but nothing happen in game or i have to modify / add new row in other dbc / template ? thanks for the help !
  10. Salut et merci beaucoup pour le tuto vraiment génial ! Juste une petite erreur que j'arrive vraiment pas a comprendre ou je fais faux, sachant que j'ai suivis ta video a la lettre pour la modif du category.dbc . Une fois en jeu la catégorie apparait mais il n'y a plus aucune écriture comme sur le screen sais-tu quel est mon erreur ? Merci !