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  1. Any chance there's a 7.3.5 version of this gob patch floating around?
  2. Hey all! I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. I am trying to disable Bonus Objectives that pop up in certain areas of the map on a 7.3.5 Ashamane Core, but I can't seem to find them in the database. For example:
  3. If you've managed to get GoMove working with 7.3.5, would you be willing to share? It's been a hard life without it. ? Is it still noggit you guys are using to build maps? I wasn't sure if it was compatible with later cores? My friend made some awesome maps, too, in 3.3.5.
  4. I too would like to know, even though this is years later.
  5. There is no download to the admin suite, and the main download for the launcher does not include one either.
  6. https://youtu.be/-Nep2JeHZrA Book of the Fallen, our 3.3.5 roleplay server, is beginning it's third chapter, and we've been improving all the while. We have a very small but very capable staff, and though we were all quite new at this just last year, take a look at what we were able to accomplish! We have a beautiful new map, our version of the island if Tel'Abim in the South Seas that we've dubbed "The Verdant Isles". You'll notice in the preview video that things from the ground to the sky are heavily edited and / or customized completely, from the ground effects to the skybox and everything in-between. We tried to keep a tropical island feel in every single asset we used when we built this world. Book of the Fallen offers completely custom and integrated systems that are 100% functioning and fun. As you could briefly see in the preview video, we have a profession system allowing for gathering and crafting style professions. They include mining, smithing, logging, cooking, outfitting, trapping, and more! They're very easy to use, and new recipes for items can be added on the fly, and can even be tailored to specific players and guilds. Many of the items you can create using this system are custom as well, from never before seen pieces of immersive gear and clothing, to interesting and useful items and consumables tailored for immersion and variety. We also have completely custom combat classes, removing blizzard's combat system entirely so we can focus more on immersive roleplay. We've incorporated more D&D style classes, including things like bards, huntsmen, duelists, clerics, abjurers, and so on. Though it's simple enough for new players to get the hang of quickly, there are fun and hard-hitting combinations that the savvy player can utilize to dispatch their foes in a completely in-character fashion. All of our custom combat classes are chosen after you create your character, and you're able to wear any gear you like. (Heavier gear might impact your magical casting ability, though!) There are also lots of other new and innovative things to check out in the world, such as clickable and interactable gobjects including things like readable books, custom teleporters, immersive transitions, and more. To achieve all of these things, most of which have never been seen before on ANY server, we used nothing more than the common WoW modding software and the AIO addon tool, and a boat load of caring about our players. If you like to roleplay, come and check us out at http://forums.fallenrp.com. We launch Sunday, September 25, 2016.
  7. https://youtu.be/-Nep2JeHZrA Book of the Fallen, our 3.3.5 roleplay server, is beginning it's third chapter, and we've been improving all the while. We have a very small but very capable staff, and though we were all quite new at this just last year, take a look at what we were able to accomplish! We have a beautiful new map, our version of the island if Tel'Abim in the South Seas that we've dubbed "The Verdant Isles". You'll notice in the preview video that things from the ground to the sky are heavily edited and / or customized completely, from the ground effects to the skybox and everything in-between. We tried to keep a tropical island feel in every single asset we used when we built this world. Book of the Fallen offers completely custom and integrated systems that are 100% functioning and fun. As you could briefly see in the preview video, we have a profession system allowing for gathering and crafting style professions. They include mining, smithing, logging, cooking, outfitting, trapping, and more! They're very easy to use, and new recipes for items can be added on the fly, and can even be tailored to specific players and guilds. Many of the items you can create using this system are custom as well, from never before seen pieces of immersive gear and clothing, to interesting and useful items and consumables tailored for immersion and variety. We also have completely custom combat classes, removing blizzard's combat system entirely so we can focus more on immersive roleplay. We've incorporated more D&D style classes, including things like bards, huntsmen, duelists, clerics, abjurers, and so on. Though it's simple enough for new players to get the hang of quickly, there are fun and hard-hitting combinations that the savvy player can utilize to dispatch their foes in a completely in-character fashion. All of our custom combat classes are chosen after you create your character, and you're able to wear any gear you like. (Heavier gear might impact your magical casting ability, though!) There are also lots of other new and innovative things to check out in the world, such as clickable and interactable gobjects including things like readable books, custom teleporters, immersive transitions, and more. To achieve all of these things, most of which have never been seen before on ANY server, we used nothing more than the common WoW modding software and the AIO addon tool, and a boat load of caring about our players. If you like to roleplay, come and check us out at http://forums.fallenrp.com. We launch Sunday, September 25, 2016.
  8. The lands of Lordaeron are falling, in every conceivable way. The landscape withers to a brittle, crumbling wasteland, and its people are diseased -- vessels of an unstoppable blight that threatens the last slivers of hope the war-ravaged Lordaeron was so desperately clinging to. However, in its isolated valley with its dense, cold forests, and jagged hills, Northeron lies still untouched -- and though those who call its peaks and pivots home may not realize it yet, all that lies between their lands and a ceaseless wave of disease and death is a single strip of mountains. Fleeing from the chaos on the other side, the awakening Forsaken, many flooded with horrendous memories of recent deeds, scurry through torture and trial to the relative safety of the Founder's Crypt, the resting place of the founders of town of Northweald. In the nearby hills is Wildrock camp, where the Wildhammer Dwarves still reside. These proud and sturdy Dwarves cling close to their traditions and bloodline which has birthed many great heroes of wars long since passed. Further North and along the coast is Northweald, the Alliance's only safe port in the mostly ravaged lands of Lordaeron. Only the Forsaken know the truth of the extent of the scourge's threatening rampage while the Wildhammers rely on vague yet terrifying reports. Whispers of a dying Lordaeron drift around the hushed corners of Northweald, but to the townsfolk they are nothing but erudite rumours from beyond the mountains. We offer several varied classes for the player to choose from, each with their own skillset. Every class is capable of wearing any type of clothing or armor, and wielding any type of weapon, so creativity is encouraged. A list of classes available by race is available here. The fate of Northeron rests on the actions that take place in this vital and trying time, and perhaps, the future of the world itself rests on the shoulders of those who live there. Book of the Fallen has always been a server that heavily stresses the importance of immersion in roleplay. Giving players interesting and inventive options for three dimensional characters while also offering a fun and enjoyable player atmosphere has always been the goal of every system we use, and every story we tell. Custom Combat Archetypes Portable Items Players can purchase a wide variety of portable game objects, allowing them to build their own camps, decorate their houses, and so on. Many portable items are available right in the character creation zone, so don't forget to grab them! Cosmetic Effects Visual effects are very useful not only to show off the skills your character has learned, but to keep everyone around you immersed in your actions by adding emphasis to your emotes. Several cosmetic spell effects can be purchased in game. Immersive Armor & Clothing Many custom armors and clothing items have been added to the game that are suitable for the setting and time period. There are some that are only available on vendors, and some that are only available as loot, so keep your eyes peeled! The Book of the Fallen staff is very dedicated to preserving and maintaining immersion, and action is taken against those who deliberately and repeatedly break it. Quality roleplay is our goal, and we've worked very hard to achieve it in the past. We will continue to do so, and will provide the most enjoyable roleplay experience we can. Though we're harsh when it comes to roleplay quality, our stand on it has lead us to the point we are now -- we have a fantastic community of players that we're very excited to roleplay with again. Even if a story is being told with the best intentions, "force feeding" it to the players is never a good thing. Having the outcome of events and actions that take place actually matter to the storyline is very important, and this is taken to another exciting level when these same outcomes are shaping the world around you in real time. Book of the Fallen's loremasters are observant and always paying attention -- even if something you do seems minuscule and trivial at the time, it could become the opening line of a long and interesting story. We take a more subtle approach to storytelling and DMing, and though we do exciting and interesting events, they always stem from the will and actions of the players participating. Your characters decisions matter here, as they have in the past. Our server admin, Jar, has been working on several systems to help make storytelling more immersive and fun for everyone. Many of these systems are already in place and will be used in Northeron, giving the loremasters a wide variety of tools to use to make the world feel alive. Exploring Northeron has it's rewards, including rare monsters, hidden caches, secret hideaways, and more. Though we vet the most powerful positions and archetypes, there are still many unique choices available for every player to choose from, and regardless of rank or status, every single player has the potential to change the world. Some of our unique custom classes and archetypes must be applied for. This is to not only ensure roleplay quality, but to be absolutely sure that we're giving these powerful skills to someone who understands their value. Because we like to keep the setting as immersive as possible, we understand that the most skilled characters need to deserve their position and power, while the majority of people are still growing and learning to suit oncoming dangers. The application process helps us determine if players are suitable for playing a character of their desired class, rank, or race. Guilds and groups are heavily encouraged, and do not require a minimum player pledge to exist. They simply have to make sense in the setting and timeline, and have a place within the world. If it's a unique or interesting idea, or simply a staple done right, it will get staff support. Pretty graphics and flowery text are not required, but we do encourage creativity in your actual ideas. Any guild or group teasers or drafts can be posted in the proper forum, and can follow a very basic template: Be sure to include background and current information about the guild or group, and list its current members and ranks either held or available. Guilds and groups both get staff support, and we're very open to working with guild and group leaders. We'll work together to help you make your mark on the world. Release Date Book of the Fallen: Northeron will be going live during the first weekend of April. Stay tuned for an exact date!
  9. The lands of Lordaeron are falling, in every conceivable way. The landscape withers to a brittle, crumbling wasteland, and its people are diseased -- vessels of an unstoppable blight that threatens the last slivers of hope the war-ravaged Lordaeron was so desperately clinging to. However, in its isolated valley with its dense, cold forests, and jagged hills, Northeron lies still untouched -- and though those who call its peaks and pivots home may not realize it yet, all that lies between their lands and a ceaseless wave of disease and death is a single strip of mountains. Fleeing from the chaos on the other side, the awakening Forsaken, many flooded with horrendous memories of recent deeds, scurry through torture and trial to the relative safety of the Founder's Crypt, the resting place of the founders of town of Northweald. In the nearby hills is Wildrock camp, where the Wildhammer Dwarves still reside. These proud and sturdy Dwarves cling close to their traditions and bloodline which has birthed many great heroes of wars long since passed. Further North and along the coast is Northweald, the Alliance's only safe port in the mostly ravaged lands of Lordaeron. Only the Forsaken know the truth of the extent of the scourge's threatening rampage while the Wildhammers rely on vague yet terrifying reports. Whispers of a dying Lordaeron drift around the hushed corners of Northweald, but to the townsfolk they are nothing but erudite rumours from beyond the mountains. We offer several varied classes for the player to choose from, each with their own skillset. Every class is capable of wearing any type of clothing or armor, and wielding any type of weapon, so creativity is encouraged. A list of classes available by race is available here. The fate of Northeron rests on the actions that take place in this vital and trying time, and perhaps, the future of the world itself rests on the shoulders of those who live there. Book of the Fallen has always been a server that heavily stresses the importance of immersion in roleplay. Giving players interesting and inventive options for three dimensional characters while also offering a fun and enjoyable player atmosphere has always been the goal of every system we use, and every story we tell. Custom Combat Archetypes Portable Items Players can purchase a wide variety of portable game objects, allowing them to build their own camps, decorate their houses, and so on. Many portable items are available right in the character creation zone, so don't forget to grab them! Cosmetic Effects Visual effects are very useful not only to show off the skills your character has learned, but to keep everyone around you immersed in your actions by adding emphasis to your emotes. Several cosmetic spell effects can be purchased in game. Immersive Armor & Clothing Many custom armors and clothing items have been added to the game that are suitable for the setting and time period. There are some that are only available on vendors, and some that are only available as loot, so keep your eyes peeled! The Book of the Fallen staff is very dedicated to preserving and maintaining immersion, and action is taken against those who deliberately and repeatedly break it. Quality roleplay is our goal, and we've worked very hard to achieve it in the past. We will continue to do so, and will provide the most enjoyable roleplay experience we can. Though we're harsh when it comes to roleplay quality, our stand on it has lead us to the point we are now -- we have a fantastic community of players that we're very excited to roleplay with again. Even if a story is being told with the best intentions, "force feeding" it to the players is never a good thing. Having the outcome of events and actions that take place actually matter to the storyline is very important, and this is taken to another exciting level when these same outcomes are shaping the world around you in real time. Book of the Fallen's loremasters are observant and always paying attention -- even if something you do seems minuscule and trivial at the time, it could become the opening line of a long and interesting story. We take a more subtle approach to storytelling and DMing, and though we do exciting and interesting events, they always stem from the will and actions of the players participating. Your characters decisions matter here, as they have in the past. Our server admin, Jar, has been working on several systems to help make storytelling more immersive and fun for everyone. Many of these systems are already in place and will be used in Northeron, giving the loremasters a wide variety of tools to use to make the world feel alive. Exploring Northeron has it's rewards, including rare monsters, hidden caches, secret hideaways, and more. Though we vet the most powerful positions and archetypes, there are still many unique choices available for every player to choose from, and regardless of rank or status, every single player has the potential to change the world. Some of our unique custom classes and archetypes must be applied for. This is to not only ensure roleplay quality, but to be absolutely sure that we're giving these powerful skills to someone who understands their value. Because we like to keep the setting as immersive as possible, we understand that the most skilled characters need to deserve their position and power, while the majority of people are still growing and learning to suit oncoming dangers. The application process helps us determine if players are suitable for playing a character of their desired class, rank, or race. Guilds and groups are heavily encouraged, and do not require a minimum player pledge to exist. They simply have to make sense in the setting and timeline, and have a place within the world. If it's a unique or interesting idea, or simply a staple done right, it will get staff support. Pretty graphics and flowery text are not required, but we do encourage creativity in your actual ideas. Any guild or group teasers or drafts can be posted in the proper forum, and can follow a very basic template: Be sure to include background and current information about the guild or group, and list its current members and ranks either held or available. Guilds and groups both get staff support, and we're very open to working with guild and group leaders. We'll work together to help you make your mark on the world. Release Date Book of the Fallen: Northeron will be going live during the first weekend of April. Stay tuned for an exact date!
  10. -Development- We talked about doing some custom gravestones for Northeron, and I found myself with some extra time this weekend, and so I sat down and tried to see what I could do. In the end, I was pretty happy with the results, and so we will be including this gravestone script with launch. I think it will add your immersion, and yes, players who die can have their own gravestones put into the game to memorialize their life. In other news, we are working to get some last few things checked off our list. We're working on getting Mmaps and Vmaps put in, so that our NPCs will behave more naturally in the world, and not walk through walls and hills. To update you on a few things I talked about before, the class selection UI is completed, and has come a long way since I last showed it off. This is a big weight off my shoulders as it was probably the most complex things I have had to code for this phase. We are trying to alter the death system just slightly, so that friends can help a fallen comrade to their feet if they have fallen in battle. This will not allow them to escape injury, however. We are now using the default in-game currency instead of tokens or coin items that sit in your inventory. I think this will make trade a generally more fluid and easy process. Not to mention that code-wise, game money is much easier to work with.
  11. -Development- We talked about doing some custom gravestones for Northeron, and I found myself with some extra time this weekend, and so I sat down and tried to see what I could do. In the end, I was pretty happy with the results, and so we will be including this gravestone script with launch. I think it will add your immersion, and yes, players who die can have their own gravestones put into the game to memorialize their life. In other news, we are working to get some last few things checked off our list. We're working on getting Mmaps and Vmaps put in, so that our NPCs will behave more naturally in the world, and not walk through walls and hills. To update you on a few things I talked about before, the class selection UI is completed, and has come a long way since I last showed it off. This is a big weight off my shoulders as it was probably the most complex things I have had to code for this phase. We are trying to alter the death system just slightly, so that friends can help a fallen comrade to their feet if they have fallen in battle. This will not allow them to escape injury, however. We are now using the default in-game currency instead of tokens or coin items that sit in your inventory. I think this will make trade a generally more fluid and easy process. Not to mention that code-wise, game money is much easier to work with.
  12. -Login Screen- Many iterations of our log-in screen where made before we learned how to include some .mdx models, which has allowed us to include some moving parts. Below is the screen as it stands, now. I am pretty excited about it. It was something that I really wanted to include in our last phase, but that was ultimately out of our grasp. My understanding of lua has come so far since then, and so we were able to do it this time around. -Staff- I'd like welcome Blackcat to the development team as a trial Dev. He will be assisting us in-game as well as out, moving forward. He comes to us with some experience with past projects, and is ready to learn more! I must also say goodbye to CheezeIt, and Eadred who, because of real-life commitments, have had to take a step back from their responsibilities here. -Building- Building continues throughout the forests. As of today, most of the interiors are done, but there is still work to be done in the world, placing down foliage, like bushes and rocks, to make the world feel more alive. -The Death System- The death system is finally completed. So, I want to outline how it will work for you in Northeron. We've replaced actual death with a death stun, which locks the character and prevents any further action. It is at this point that a pop-up will prompt you to choose what happens next. If this is your first death at the hands of another player, you may choose to become injured. Doing so will apply an injury debuff on you, and teleport you to your faction's clinic. The injured debuff will last for quite some time, and it is important that you understand that if another player kills you while this debuff is active on your character, you will only be given the option to accept your death. At this point, the individual character is banned, and can no longer be played. Note, that while PVE deaths do refresh the injury debuff, they will never result in automatic permanent death. Should you die while injured to the hands of an NPC, you will be given the option to become injured again. I understand that some situations might arise where you feel you have been wrongfully banned by the automated system, or illegitimate in-character actions. If this is the case, don't delete the character, and create a ticket to speak with a GM. You will want to supply us with the screenshots that the Death System automatically takes for you when you die, and again when you make your choice.