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About Sardonyx

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    DBC Editing

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  1. Sardonyx


    Thanks for the suggestions.I might still have the map files somwhere and when I'll have some free time I'll give it a try
  2. I think it might be something related to the skybox and a specific lightning to the zone
  3. Sardonyx


  4. Sardonyx


    Just work,you know ...
  5. These are the south seas islands from Tanaris.They were wiped out in cata.
  6. These are the south seas islands from Tanaris.They were wiped out in cata.
  7. This is the aftermath of Kezan after the Cataclysm.While the southern part of the island remained untouched with the city of Edj,the Bilgewater port is devastated.
  8. This is the aftermath of Kezan after the Cataclysm.While the southern part of the island remained untouched with the city of Edj,the Bilgewater port is devastated.
  9. This is the Tel Abim island.It's filled with banana eating Gorillas and Tigers.
  10. This is the Tel Abim island.It's filled with banana eating Gorillas and Tigers.
  11. I managed to make them work with a earlier version of the converter.Now they don't crash and they work perfectly ingame