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About Vellear

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    Level Design
    DBC Editing

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  1. most likely in the near future, I will no more publish screenshots. Mc-net is a forum "from modders and for modders". Any publish content from Otherlands - harms to my project. It's kind of a spoiler. And there is always the risk of mass distribution "what is this, where i can play?" - i do not need these questions. why, then, did I? Well... as I already said, "for modders". WoW modding shrinks like an old tree that stopped watering. i thought my screenshots be at least a drop of water... so it was. But it does not contribute to growth of any modding.
    Some of the custom wowdev projects - never publish their work. and it's the right decision, which will follow soon, and i'm including.
    However, i'm still here on the MC-net, in this respect nothing will change. I will always be happy to help information or advice. Thanks for reading.

    1. bfx


      That's a great shame :(, your work was always a thrill to see. Thanks for showing what's possible if you have the knowledge/skill to do so.

    2. Poisonleaf


      I know the feeling mate, There always a risk to exposing your work.
      I do also keep things to myself but don't forget there is a line between to much exposure and generating feedback and inspiration between a modding community. I always loved watching your progress and it worked as an inspirational boost for me. Pretty sure it did the same for alot of people.