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  1. The first 20 quests for new elwynn was done.
    each quest with:
    Area POI (where do the quest + support multi areas + quester position)
    Full localization from russian to english(by native speaker) (allow to use the both, ruRU or enUS) - enUS locale anyway should be rechecked later.
    Custom rewards + bag with random loot (usually potions and food)
    15 common quests (database only)
    5 advanced quests like wotlk cata+ with special source item with custom spell "use in quest"

    1. Vellear


      every quest also give the reputation for the new faction "Elwynn forest Settlers"(this name can be incorrect translation from russian client). on Friendly\honored and revered\exalted you can buy a items from vendor in Quiet Hearth(main questing area\city in new elwynn)and even - lesser scroll of experience, +10% to XP for 30 mins(does not persist after death) .(does not work after level 60)

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