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About csakesz55

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  1. Well, problem solved. With my new GPU (GTX 650 Ti BOOST) everything works fine. The previous GPU was HD 4770 512 MB DX10.
  2. Damn... I tried running wow as administrator, the file is Wow.exe, I'm using win7, DX9 graphics card, updated DX9 pack, no other custom MPQ files .... aaaaaaaand nothing... Could you maybe send me your created MPQ? PM, or here?
  3. Doesn't matter, tried it from Data folder too, as "patch-5.MPQ".
  4. Hmmm... nope... Freshly downloaded wotlk 3.3.5a client (not the warmane one) and same green texture, when only this mpq is used... this is what i use... patch-enUS-5.MPQ There is something btw... look, it looks some effect for me... :
  5. Well, i found a way to make it work i think... I use 2 patches, one which is older and this one. Let me show you... Now, with only the patch-4.mpq it looks like this: But when both are applied :
  6. I'm getting green water everywhere... I attach my mpq, is it created the right way? I've already tried the XTEXTURES folder all capitally, tried like "XTextures". Nothing.... Help me. patch-5.mpq