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About bamby

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  1. Download link: How to install: Delete the patch-5.MPQ if you are using the first version. Just place patch-4.MPQ into your data folder and launch the game! Any bug report in the post or youtube, or send a notification in the forum. The tbc models are from: Finsternis- and Legion/Wod
  2. We have a life but i already finished the npc models so i will work on it now
  3. Download link: Patch+ Model Edit fix: WoWme:!lLwF2bAJ!cDpBALwVUaTug1DGxjXzkRiGjiwcHOw67TKOLw9uIwc How to install: Just place patch-4.MPQ into your data folder, copy the WoWme to your wow folder and create a shortcut. Now you launch the game from the WoWme! Any bug report in the post or youtube, or send a notification in the forum. The tbc models are from: Finsternis and Cata/Legion
  4. Download link: patch-l How to install: Just place patch-l.MPQ into your data folder and launch the game! The tbc models are from: Finsternis and Cata/Legion
  5. Download link: patch-d How to install: Just place patch-d.MPQ into your data folder and launch the game! The tbc models will come from: Finsternis and Leeviathan
  6. haha :3 i have to remake the characters from the zero because the vanilla dont have the belt geoset
  7. Download link: Patch+ Model Edit fix: patch-h WoWme:MEGA How to install: Just place patch-h.MPQ into your data folder, copy the WoWme to your wow folder and create a shortcut. Now you launch the game from the WoWme! Any bug report in the post or youtube, or send a notification in the forum. The tbc models will come from: Finsternis- [RELEASE] [WotLk] Character Models(no npc) and [RELEASE] [WotLk] Legion Creature Models for Wotlk Uthil - [RELEASE] [Classic] Imroved Models for 1.12