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About goroth

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  1. Hello, I was looking for specific file paths for items and was unable to find anything in DBC. How exactly does the DBC tell the game which M2 filepath an item or creature will load? Let's say I have an item with ID: 1 Where would I find info corresponding to Textures\Items\whatevername_M2? Legion DBC that is. Thanks a lot for your input.
  2. Thank you very much! I got the BLP ready using BLiPster. The only problem now is how do I replace it? All the tools allow me to only extract in-game files, not replace / overwrite or add custom files for formats like BLP. Ladik's Viewer didn't help in this regard.
  3. Hi folks! Pretty new to the community. So here it goes. i need to create a custom ground texture for WoW Legion (latest client preferably). I've read some of the guides here, but most of them have either missing links or the software is simply out of date (3.3.5 etc). If I understand correctly, it should be enough to convert blp to png and replace an existing ground texture with the same name with the new texture, so that the game thinks it's the actual texture that should be loading, but will load my custom instead. Is that right? How can you replace game files within a MPQ?