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About Dagnear

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  1. The housing system will be on our server <.>' Our designer prepared some graphics ressource, then i bring it to life with some lua/xml code ^^ and some home made client/server communication. that lead to this kind of stuff : (there is some binding option with all of this, you have to toggle the binding to show this frame for example, or click the button in the bottom right corner)
  2. Thanks all the interface work is almost done, we're actually polishing our systems IG. Then we'll just have to fill them with content ! One of my dev worked on an custom private instantiation system, which allow us to instantiate any kind of map as much as we want and assign to them an owner, it's really useful for our housing system. (can't really show it with screen, because it's literally the same map <.<' )
  3. Workin' on a custom interface for my project ! There is a lot more, but i dont want to show too much before we release it.