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About sleikas

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    Advanced Member

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  • Specialty
    Level Design


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  1. Just some new stuff I been working to add to dalaran, To make it feel more..Unique from the other cities,still alot to do and some uvs to fix work is slow and steady New canal system becouse original dalaran had canals New walls whit defense tower based on wc3 arcane defense tower Dalaran citadel based on wc3 campaing, NOT CINEMATIC(textures are wip) New dalaran town hall (based off vanila human town hall as sees in comparison) Stuff to do -build road network -Build vanilla mage tower to fit new arhitecture -Build Vanila human barrakcs to fit new arhitecture -fix uvs and textures -Start on dalaran lol
  2. Just some new stuff I been working to add to dalaran, To make it feel more..Unique from the other cities,still alot to do and some uvs to fix work is slow and steady New canal system becouse original dalaran had canals New walls whit defense tower based on wc3 arcane defense tower Dalaran citadel based on wc3 campaing, NOT CINEMATIC(textures are wip) New dalaran town hall (based off vanila human town hall as sees in comparison) Stuff to do -build road network -Build vanilla mage tower to fit new arhitecture -Build Vanila human barrakcs to fit new arhitecture -fix uvs and textures -Start on dalaran lol
  3. So upon a requests I started to rebuild dalaran ...again..So far I only managed to prepare some models for the feature, This blog Is more of a personal diary for myself I suppose , So far I only have 1 screenshot of a test area (not real project just preparations for it)
  4. So upon a requests I started to rebuild dalaran ...again..So far I only managed to prepare some models for the feature, This blog Is more of a personal diary for myself I suppose , So far I only have 1 screenshot of a test area (not real project just preparations for it)
  5. Whitin amnesia , This will get you nowhere, I personaly use someone elses repack only for quick server tests thats all , For my own I use myself compiled one, It may seem abit advanced for new users, But trinity has a good guide for it , Try to compile it yourself and after you do you will get better understanding how the server works and how it can be fixed , We may help you along the way here and there , You may bash your head at some parts ( I may be stupid but I certainly did lol, ) But yeah the experience is worth it in the end, See Trinity Core compilation guide here
  6. ahhh finaly got your log... In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 15, sql: "UPDATE creature SET MovementType = ? WHERE guid = ?" Table 'world.creature' doesn't exist In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 18, sql: "UPDATE creature SET position_x = ?, position_y = ?, position_z = ?, orientation = ? WHERE guid = ?" Table 'world.creature' doesn't exist In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 19, sql: "UPDATE creature SET spawndist = ?, MovementType = ? WHERE guid = ?" Table 'world.creature' doesn't exist In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 20, sql: "UPDATE creature SET spawntimesecs = ? WHERE guid = ?" Table 'world.creature' doesn't exist In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 52, sql: "DELETE FROM creature WHERE guid = ?" Table 'world.creature' doesn't exist In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 63, sql: "INSERT INTO creature (guid, id , map, spawnMask, phaseMask, modelid, equipment_id, position_x, position_y, position_z, orientation, spawntimesecs, spawndist, currentwaypoint, curhealth, curmana, MovementType, npcflag, unit_flags, dynamicflags) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" Table 'world.creature' doesn't exist In mysql_stmt_prepare() id: 60, sql: "SELECT guid FROM creature WHERE id = ?" Table 'world.creature' doesn't exist Seems like wut Did the server worked for you before? becouse according to this it seems like the DBC is either outdated or your missing creature dbc completly
  7. all we wordserver log ..-__-
  8. Either am I an idiot or the file does not exists
  9. should be in your core folder next to worldserver.exe
  10. sleikas

    My old stuff

    Old stuff from my modding past
  11. sleikas


    This was the veary first screenshot of this project ever was later changed alot but it is earliest version as I remember, so yeah only little was done there
  12. sleikas

    Third Lordaeron city rebuild

    Third rebuild of lordaeron city, Abandoned due to little time and depresion my 'last' work before break