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  1. Hello everyone, I'm fresh here and this is my first topic. I check many threads here but I didn't find this one I needed. About problem: I'm starting to make some major changes in game client(already I ported characters and create new, fresh 1, 2k textures for wotlk[in progres]) and now I want to change some *.m2 files - I work with blender, cinema 4D and 3ds max - I looked for blender/3ds scripts/programs for import .m2 files and almost all of it is out of date. My question is: How to import .m2 files and export them back with any of this 3D software that I can edit it properly. How it's looks from code side - because I think I need to write something(to place camera or how many times it should be played etc.) If something is not clear I can explain it Thanks for any help. Philip