Yellow Truck

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About Yellow Truck

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  • Specialty
    Level Design
  1. Hi guys. I'm quite new on, and, to be honest, I'm not really good in english so... Be gentle, please ! I don't know if my topic is at the right place, and, maybe there is another topic with the solution somewhere. If it is, I'm sorry. I had some problems to find it. So, I'll explain my problem. I'm actually working on WoD (6.2.3 (20886)), and, as you probably know, there is a huge problem with some helmet on human model, that blizzard fixed for legion. In love with the RP, I like when my character looks really badass. And I want to know if there is a way to fix those positioning problems for WoD. Thanks to you. Again, if there is a wrong thing with my topic, I'm sorry.