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About Exildor

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    Level Design
    DBC Editing

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  1. Yep, I did this. Stormwind now allmost done. I'm gonna fix few things and "Flat mountains", and gonna work with Orgrimmar.
  2. I have some problems with this work. Old Stormwind don't want to delete, and It appears over of the new. Del of duplicates not work. So, try to fix this. In addition, I now have a lot of work on another project, and study. I do not know when will bring Storm and Orgri to the end. But I working on it.
  3. Ok, not a problem. Soon I will finish with this, and next - Orgrimmar.
  4. I'm almost recovered. Now, I need to know, what I must doing with a park in Stormwind? It's been broke and I can't fix it. Maybe replace a mountain?
  5. I have a bad news: I broke my arm, and I can't work at least 3 months.. Sry.
  6. I will finish that work. Anyway, I have long wanted to do it, so it will be done. ^^
  7. Unfortunately, I don't have a free time at the moment. For a while I must freeze the work. Sry. 3:
  8. I'm almost finished with Stormwind, just one problem: I don't know what doing with water. It's... huh.. Looks not very good.. x) Anyway, I'm write to you when I finished.
  9. I've just started doing the same thing, I can send it to you later if I finish it.