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About Barbz

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  1. Very nice release (the second screen doesn't seem very detailed though but I'll see ingame) Hmm can you zip it instead? because I can't open the rar on my linux (I don't know why, some .rar are unreadable)
  2. Pas mal, je testerai ça et je t'ai envoyé un MP
  3. Very good idea. This is the order in which MPQs are loaded (did it on wine) : archive Data\enUS\patch-enUS.MPQ opened archive Data\patch.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\patch-enUS-2.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\patch-enUS-3.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\patch-enUS-I.MPQ opened Unable to read extra attributes: "Data\enUS\patch-enUS-R.MPQ" archive Data\enUS\patch-enUS-R.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\patch-enUS-Z.MPQ opened archive Data\patch-2.MPQ opened archive Data\patch-3.MPQ opened Unable to read extra attributes: "Data\patch-A.MPQ" archive Data\patch-A.MPQ opened Unable to read extra attributes: "Data\patch-R.MPQ" archive Data\patch-R.MPQ opened archive Data\patch-S.MPQ opened archive Data\patch-Z.MPQ opened archive Data\expansion.MPQ opened archive Data\lichking.MPQ opened archive Data\common.MPQ opened archive Data\common-2.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\locale-enUS.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\speech-enUS.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\expansion-locale-enUS.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\lichking-locale-enUS.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\expansion-speech-enUS.MPQ opened archive Data\enUS\lichking-speech-enUS.MPQ opened There are non blizzlike patches in the list. I guess A, R, Z, and I aren't. I will confirm if it works later (maybe in few weeks) but that looks very logical to me, so that should solve it, thanks a lot !
  4. What is the chronological order of the WOTLK client's MPQs ? both for Data/ and Data/enUS/ if possible I can't find any information about it. I found someone saying this was the right order : Data\common.MPQ Data\common-2.MPQ Data\expansion.MPQ Data\lichking.MPQ Data\patch.MPQ Data\patch-2.MPQ But when I compare with burning crusade and vanilla, it seems like it's really not the right order. I might compare thoroughly each thing but I think it's going to be annoying, so if someone has an idea, I'm open to suggestions.
  5. Look at the auth/realmlist table in your db if you're on 3.3.5a
  6. Did you make it work Zehlendorf ? By modifying the IdTip addon ? It would be awesome to be able to see the factionID, the NPC ID and all sorts of IDs in one click or by hovering the mouse. I know that the newer versions of idTip have NPC IDs included but it's for MOP or WOD. I think everybody has to deal with IDs at some point in game.