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About Arbiter

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  1. Arbiter


    Hi, I've only recently gotten involved with modding etc. I'm hoping to replace certain items with others on the Legion client. By this I mean, if I were to make a texture edit to one item, but I want it to appear in-game. Without replacing its original item. I was told to do so by 'changing the display ID row to match the item I want it to look like' does anybody have a more comprehensive way/instructions on how to do that?
  2. I keep getting "ERROR TextureFileData.db2 : Id column contains duplicates." when trying to open TextureFileData.db2, but there is no way for me to tell the ID columns and what is duplicated. Or there is and I just don't know. Help either way would be nice!
  3. I've wanted to get in to modding for a fair amount of time now, I have just had little free time for it and when I did attempt I could never figure out how or where to set up a 'Trinity Test Server' as all guides call it, and last time I asked an admin they chose to ignore it and not really be any help whatsoever. Rather than addressing and fixing the issue to set up a 'Trinity Test Server' it was shrugged off, even though the tutorial itself even being up is redundant if it is outdated and the the creator will not bother making the fix.