El Guirri

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  1. Serveur Privé Word of Warcraft 1/ Présentation 2/ Recrutement Project name: ISSOU Server (temporary) Members: Me and @Munz. Launch date: 01/01/2017 Contact: MP or Skype (tacos.level) The goal of this project is to make a private World of Warcraft server, including: Stable version of the WoW Blizzlike 3.3.5 Making a Legion Blizzlike Kingdom (BETA) With an unusual story! A Last Fun Kingdom of the 3.3.5. Improve it, debug it and make good general development. VIP account system, the player will have access to various advantages (such as perso lvl max offered, name color OR on the Forum, exclusive frames, etc). Website, with shop, forum, account, etc ... Fun Server, the return of Gilneas! Discover Gilneas before the invasion of the undead and the Worgen curse. One of our project is to reconstitute Gilneas, without the wall, living dead, nis Worgen. A series of quests and an unprecedented story based on the true story of World of Warcraft! Legion 7.1 We also plan to make a Legion kingdom. Of course, we are not going to lie to you, Legion is very complex and we have not yet begun its development. This will go through several phases: Installation of the server (compilation of the core, installation of the database, etc.) Debugging class and departure quests. Testing, finalization. I post this topic here because I need someone who would be able to remove the wall and door gilneas and help me to do sequences of quests and pnj, I specify that I do not know Nothing in model changing that's why I appeal to you. Otherwise we are also looking for: C ++ Developer SQL Developer MJs: Dev 'Web: In the mean time, go Skype. Anglophones are accepted with pleasure!