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About Demomage

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  • Specialty
    Level Design
    DBC Editing
    Software Development
  1. Hello, i am trying to retroport from Legion 7.3.5 a artifact druid forms but i keep running in one issue. I ported the model successfully and all works great but this model have 2 textures and for some reason i can't make second texture to apply, insted the game use first texture and apply insted of the one that is needed. See in a picture: I tried to edit DBC file called CreatureDisplayInfo but if i change name of texture or add a new one i get WoW.exe error saying that CreatureDisplayInfo.dbm is corrupt ERROR #131 (0x85100083) File Corrup see: I also tried to open my M2 file with 010 Editor and tun template to show me what is coded but Template is giving me an error also at like unit32 timestamp. If anyone have idea hot to help me pls contact me via pm or discord.