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About Saurfang-WoW

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    DBC Editing

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  1. Found it! In case somebody has the same struggles like me and stumbles upon this thread... here the link to the file:
  2. same here... psd link is not working =( would be really nice if there would be an update of the download link =D EDIT: found a working download link of it here on MC... it might save ppl some time...: ^.^
  3. You will need a blp converter for this here a link to photoshop blp plugin as well as to blpconverterGUI source ^.^
  4. U either need to export it as CSV or to SQL/SQL file. When u did export via CSV/SQL file: import it to your database (best is a very own database section for it). when the spelldata is at your database... you need to download the english client, grab the spell.dbc/spell.db2 out of the last mpq patch from blizz, then export it to database in a very own table (rename the other spell table to somewhat like: spells_toBeTranslated so it does not overwrite the russian spell localization... when both tables are up... you need to go into the english table, set your database viewer so it shows all entries, then head to the columns with the names, ranks descriptions and such... mark the columns and copy/paste them to the equivalent columns in the spells_toBeTranslated table... when done just export it from your database to CSV or directly via database import option. then pack your new spell.dbc in a mpq patchfile as well as in your dbc folder on server and you should be fine =D going to do this as well after i finished with adding all language localizations to all dbc's for all possible client languages ^.^
  5. Hey there! =) I would need a bit of help... I found about 2 weeks ago a tool which lets u change the id version of the ADT which makes it able to also downport shadowlands maps and such... right when I wanted to download it my SSD meant to say R.I.P... Now I already am searching since nearly 2 weeks for that tool but can't find it anywhere... =( Does eventually somebody know a link to the tool which I mean? Would be really dope! =D Best Regards...
    Model is working perfect! =D thx a lot for sharing it!
  6. I had this too... atm I imported the itemdisplayinfo.dbc entries to database via npm sql output I never again had that problem ^^
    Rly nice working launcher/updater! =D From main functionality exactly what I was looking for. Some launcher side features on top would be rly cool tho. (e.g. changelogs box accesible via a small button, newsbox which does switch news if there are more messages inside.) Anyways... rly good work... much appreciated! =D Best regards, Psychonautek - Saurfang-WoW