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About Sicalicious

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    DBC Editing

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4 files

  1. Murloc Mount

    Trying to learn more about Retro-porting and with the help of a good friend and max's m2converter I finally have the Murloc Mount. Didn't even try with Txid remover it ended up working by just slapping it in the Converter. Thank you to Robinson Leo for the help on fixing the files to get the eyes to work right!


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  2. Beetle Mount

    Had the give the Draflight Beetle Mount a shot and it works good enough for me lol. I used Wow-export for the files and converted them using MaxM2 converter. Just download the files into a folder named beetlemount, make your path in creaturemodeldata, then make a corresponding creaturedisplaceinfo entry. Add the saved DBC's to your patch and there ya go  Once again thank you to those who helped guide me to figure out how to get retroports to work correctly. Love the community and the work others put out. Good luck and happy modding!


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  3. Dracthyr Login Screen

    Was messing around tonight with trying to convert login screens using wow.export and adspartan’s converter and was able to turn the Dracthyr character screen into the login screen because why not. Also messed around with downloading music from Dragonflight using wow.export and ended up choosing Ruby Life Pools for the background music at login. After you download change the name of patch to patch-4 and use an edited exe Enjoy


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  4. Slaughter to Prevail

    Hey everybody most people won't use this, but if there are any Slaughter to Prevail fans out there this is a patch to replace your login screen music to their new song "VIKING". If you don't want to use this download, you could always find a song you do want to use on Youtube, copy the URL and paste it into Youtube to Mp3 Converter - Youtube Video Downloader | YtMp3Hub and download. When choosing the download opt for the smallest one (for some reason the larger wouldn't work for me). After downloading the mp3 that you want to use, open up your desired patch and make a file named "sound", inside of that make another folder named "Music", inside of that add another one named "GlueStringMusic", paste your mp3 in this folder and rename it to WotLK_main_title.mp3. Close your patch delete your cache and BOOM should have new music. Hope somebody could either  enjoy the one I picked or atleast learn something from this post! Enjoy!


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