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About Xonxy123

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  1. Hello everybody, got small problema, so i am trying to retroport armor( i know how to do it with weapons) what ever i do its always endup with blue/white box... So how i do it i take head from exporter and i put m2 files first in Txid and then multicovrter, after that i take name of m2 file and make new itemdisplayid and put it there, and blp file for texture, after that i take that dbc and put it to patch, with exported head files to item object... Head, on end i make item head with displayid that i put in dbc... But Always get Blue/white box. Anybody know what am i missing?? Thank you all for ur time! I made video how i do it if somebody could look and see what am i doing wrong;
  2. Hello i need small help with Retroporting armor if somebody could explane me how to do so, i know how to retroport weapons, but cant understand armor part. Thank you very much
  3. Is it possible to .add item to offline character?