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  1. Version 1.0.0


    Ripped and retroported from the heritage armor set visual, fx are not exact, change placement/size via spellvisual dbcs
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Hey all just uploading this one real quickly I wanted to share these without strings attached, ill be using this mount in part of a tutorial later so i wanted everyone to have access to the files beforehand to make it easier NOTES: -Use CreatureDisplayInfo textures as follows; --Variant 1 = Emblem --Variant 2 = Kart Skin/Colors --Variant 3 = Tire Skin (Use slick/cyberslick, or your own recolor) FEATURES: -Spinning wheels -Reflective surfaces -HD pre-baked textures This should support around 20 separate recolors of the Standard Kart from MK8 Use the goblintrike spells as a template to set them up as new mounts (I did not include a .csv or .dbc as i have not set one up for myself either) Enjoy friends! -Cyn
  3. Version 1.0.0


    TomKek's HD Remastered Corrupted Ashbringer, contains raw files and replacement patch that will replace most instances of the weapon without the use of DBC mods, applicable to any 3.3.5a server/repack Related Video: Highly recommend to watch his channel, he is quite the talented artist Always a pleasure to work with as well Features: Same framework as the original Corrupted Ashbringer Reflective surface Enchantment visuals are supported "LowRes" texture included if 2048x2048 gives you issues Bug: Missing particles, will add later since its a pain and not very visible Didn't test the "whispering" let me know if it doesn't work ill make sure to fix it Enjoy!
  4. Lol idk who took credit for my work but i hand-rigged these to the old models myself, 'preciate it
  5. Blades in this shape I called “Long Sword” , I think there is a LongSword in the package here.
  6. Version 1.0.1


    Imported from a couple different games running an engine with similar capabilities to World of Warcraft 3.3.5a A few of the items i imported, each with 2 colors Enjoy! (P.S. The one in the pic is the "LongSword")
  7. Version


    [3.3.5a] One of the first meshes i sculpted in Blender, used some stock texture and added some fire particles inside the pumpkins. (In hind sight maybe i should've just used the existing blizz jack-o-lanterns :P) Could use more detail and time in the texture, but either way, enjoy the festive stick! (Late as it may be) (Textures are hardcoded)
  8. Ill try downloading the other version as well but "Patch-N" contains 0 item or armor data Disclaimer for others looking at this project, seems to be a majority of them are world and wmo files If thats not really the goal of this specific project, perhaps it would be worth my time to create something similar limited to only item data
  9. Hey everyone, ive been learning a lot recently specifically with converting some MDX files made for Warcraft 3. To preface, im starting this guide with an already-converted .m2 file from a source .mdx, i used the Lazy Converter and assigned animation ids by hand. So you've managed to convert your model, but now all its animations are jittery and look like garbage! Well not a problem, this is something we can *somewhat* easily fix on our own, without the help of something like Blender or other Model Editors. To start, choose a specific animation you want to clean up first, in this tutorial ill be using my models "Attack Unarmed" animation, locate the animation ID using 010 and a matching .m2 template from the Animations block, refer to the animation by the ID referenced here: We can see here, my animation ID is 17, with that in mind we can move on to the Bones We need to pick out specific bones based on the animation itself, use Wow Model Viewer and find the animation you selected previously. In the below gifs, you'll see the offending animation in all its glory, ill be specifically targeting the leg bones for this tutorial Now in WMV go to View>Show Model Control, uncheck "render" and check the "bones" box until you can see a visualization of the bone structure: The given render of only the bone connections is useful in finding specific bones in the structure Picking out the right bone can be difficult, but usually you can use the parent structure to find the bone you want In my case, the legs are connected directly to the waist, and visibly we see 4-5 bones in each leg chain With the given image, we can see that bone #2 is the waist, we can see all the bones connected to bone #2 in the image as well, with smaller offshoots being bones 8-11 That being said, we have two chains of 5 bones each starting at bone 2, those ranges in my case are: Bone #3-#7 and Bone #12-#16 Now that we've narrowed down where we need to make changes, lets open up a bone and see whats inside. 9/10 times the corrupted data is within the Rotation data for the animation. Bones store each animation separately in its own block like this: Right here we've located the anim id #17 data for a specific bones rotation data. Not all data is corrupted, but some definitely is let dig a little deeper to see exactly what the problem is: As you can see by the giant red boxes, some of the data here does not follow a regular "pattern", specifically, look at the 4th value in each line, these are labeled as the "W" value. These values should always line up near each other, at least with the same polarity. In order to fix this, we simply need to target the corrupted lines (the ones in boxes) and swap their negative and positive values. Heres the end result here: Now my data is following a regular pattern, with emphasis on the W values being in-line Congratulations! If you've made it this far, you just repaired the animation data for a single animation on a single bone! Great job! Lets keep working through each leg bone, fixing each set of corrupted values so that the "pattern" is intact: This bit of data corruption follows a different pattern. You'll notice some 0 values and some that are .000061, these are essentially null values, we need to leave them alone, that being said, the W and Y values here are corrupted. Lets fix them like this: Looks much better now, keep working through the structure until you finish all the bones in the set. Now we should be good to go, lets save the .m2 and try it out in-game or in the model viewer. Excellent! Were on our way to a fully working model! This process takes absolute ages, and is a bit tedious for beginners. I strongly suggest enlisting some help, perhaps 2 could split animation data down the middle and merge corrected data together when finished Thats all for now, happy editing!
  10. I forgot to post the key-chart for the ParticleColors 2000-Blue 2001-Green 2002-Red 2003-Purple 2004-Yellow 2005-White 2006-Cyan 2007-Pink 2008-Orange 2009-Fire 2010-Ice 2011-Nature 2012-Spooky 2013-Christmas 2014-Love 2015-iridescent 2016-Rainbow
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Hello again! This release includes a very basic lightsaber model with customizable colors (you wont have to edit or assign textures) Let me explain: The color on the blade is determined from ParticleColor.dbc, if no colorid is assigned, the blade is red. (i've included a .csv to add some of my personal custom colors, they're not perfect, but they work, theres a total of 17 pre-made color patterns) Installation: -Drop the "saber" folder into your item/objectcomponents/weapon folder -Apply the .csv to your ParticleColor.dbc and add it to the DBFilesClient Folder -Add new entries in ItemDisplayInfo.dbc, make sure you add the new particle color ids for each entry, refer to the model as "saber/saber.m2" etc. they do not need texture assignments, they are all hardcoded -Add new items via Item_Template, make sure you use the same display ids that you created in the previous step -Restart your server, and test the new items! Custom Colors: If youd like to create your own colors for the blade, youll need to learn how to convert hex colors to a decimal value, color codes here are written as 0xAARRGGBB values that are encoded. Online Converter will help you make new colors, when you enter a color code, scroll to the bottom and get the " INT32 - Big Endian (ABCD) " value it produces, that will be your encoded color code. Keep in mind, there are two particle emitters on the blade, one at the hilt and one at the tip, the hilt portion uses the Start/Mid/End [1] columns, and the tip goes by the StartMidEnd [2] Columns Particle Emitter changes: If you'd like to change the size, rate or type of particles on the blade you can do this via hex editing as well, simply open the .m2 in 010 or another hex editor with template support, navigate to the Particle section near the bottom. Heres a brief explanation of things you can change; -Lifespan will control how long the particle is active -"Emissionrate" is the speed in which particles are produced -"emissionspeed" is the rate by which particles travel in space -Colortrack and Alphatrack can be used to adjust the default color and transparency of the particles -scaletrack is used to define the size of each particle Hope you guys like these! Use however you wish! This model was taken from Sketchfab for free, and applied and converted using Wow Blender Studio (blender 3.1.2), some changes in Pymodeleditor, and of course hex editing via 010
  12. It’s a little hard to decipher from the image, but it looks like you managed to rotate some of the model, maybe it’s not all linked together in the bone structure?
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This pack contains necessary files and dbc information to incorporate the Scythe of the Unmaker present originally in Legion, the model has been retro-ported for use in Wotlk, and i've personally created each recoloring of the scythe. Ive also included icons for each, all of which i made save for the "rainbow" icon which was made by a fellow named Xecc via discord. (Thank you!) Colors Include: Blue Red Yellow Magenta Purple White Orange Green "Stained Glass" Rainbow (Scrolling) Enjoy and use them as you wish